Lord of the Rings

My Kind of Scum

My normal approach to a Dark Deck is bounty unting- I am a big fan of Boba Fett dragging along a strong of stuggling Mains and getting handsomely paid as they are put in prison or frozen in Carbonite. Nevertheless, it was time for a change, which, unfortuately, had to come at the expense of keeping my Court ofthe Vile Gangster deck operational. The result was this MKOS (My Kind of Scum) deck. Like my Dagobah Drain deck, this one is missing a couple of king-pin cards to be truly cool: namely Bib Fortuna and another Ak-rev or three. Regardless, I was looking around the tourney scene and noticing a popular trend of using non-unique aliens. However, non-uniques tend to be a little wimpy unless their rep is at the Audience Chamber, and as that is a battleground site, he is an open target for assassination. So, I kept looking until I noticed that there is a non-unique race that is very strong without a central rep: the Weequays. The next step was to find a rep. Sure enough, a little known Special Edition rare solved the problem: Ak-rev, a musician Weequay who doesn't have to be at the Audience Chamber. Once I cornered six of him, it was time to build the deck... One other thing I have considered is adding the Passenger Deck for the Sail Barge, but couldn't figure out what I'd take out for it.

-My Kind of Scum/Fearless and Inventive (Starting)

-Jabba's Palace: Audience Chamber
-Jabba's Palace: Lower Passages
-Spaceport Docking Bay
-Tatooine: Desert Heart (Starting)
-Tatooine: Jabba's Palace (Starting)

-Elis Helrot x2
-Imperial Barrier
-Projective Telepathy
-Twi'lek Advisor x3 (1 Starting)

-Cane Adiss x2
-Come Here You Big Coward
-Den of Thieves
-Hutt Influence
-Inconsequential Losses
-Scum and Villiany x2 (1 Starting)
-There Is No Try and Opressive Enforcement
-Well Guarded

-Disruptor Pistol x3
-Scout Blaster
-SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons
-Stun Blaster

-TIE Interceptor

-Jabba's Sail Barge
-Skiff x3
-Racing Skiff

-Ak-rev x6
-Chall Bekan
-Jabba The Hutt
-Mercenary Pilot
-Rachalt Hyst
-Weequay Guard x4
-Weequay Hunter x3
-Weequay Marksman x2
-Weequay Skiff Master x5


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