Welcome to the online gallery of Simon Mackie. I've set up this site to showcase the photograph's I've taken whilst out and about birding. The majority of the images on this site are of wild birds found in or around the county of Somerset , others are from adjacent counties or holiday's abroad.
In November 2003 I took charge of a Nikon D100 digital SLR and have found myself using this exclusively and upgrading the sites images from two years digiscoping. Click HERE to find out why I changed from digiscoping to digital SLR.
This site is updated regularly as and when new photo's are taken , especially the local rarities page.

Please choose a gallery from the links below
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I can supply high resolution digital images for use in web sites or publications All cropped , low-res images shown here can be bought online as prints in various sizes from as little as £2.00 , I use the secure online printing services of
Don't hesitate to

Image Galleries

This section has been in need of a major overhaul for a while , hopefully it won't take too long but should be worth the wait. Not all the links below are active yet but all the galleries should be up and running soon. ( UPDATE 1/1/07 ... The galleries are slowly taking shape behind the scenes , but are taking much longer to finish than first anticipated )

Waders Gulls and Terns Waterfowl
Raptors and Owls Herons and Egrets Passerines
Latest Local Rarities Birding Abroad Everything Else

Index Page