Spring 2008
Vol. 16 No. 1

In this issue...

Reflections from the President

Welcome New Board Members

GINLC Education Committee Report

Stewardship Notes

Land Acquisition

Nature Area Season Planned

Nature Area Clean Up

2007 GI Conservationist of the Year Award

Doug Thiel Honored for Service

Annual Meeting

Arbor Day

Conservancy Awarded Pond Restoration Grant

2007 Christmas Bird Count

Did You Know?

Thank you

Newletter Sponsor

Upcoming Events...

May 3
Nature Area Opening Day

10AM to 2PM

April 19
Island Clean Up
Call Jake Atkins
(734) 676-5536
for meeting site

April 19 & 26
Nature Area Clean Up

9:00AM to Noon
Nature Area

April 20
Earth Day

Centinnial Farm
1PM to 4PM

May 10
Arbor Day
Tree Planting Seminar

10AM to 11AM
Centennial Farm
Register - 675-2364
(Rec. Department)
No Fee

May 14
BASF Presentation
Riverview Project

Township Hall


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Reflections from the President
by Liz Hugel


Welcome Spring!

After our long and snowy winter, it seems like spring hasn't come soon enough. Many of us have been antsy to spend more time outdoors, minus the hats, scarves, gloves or mittens. Not that we've been hiber­nating or sleeping all winter! On the contrary, we've been quite busy planning, organizing and working with our partners to develop another full year of activ­ities and projects in our community.

As I start my second year as president of the Grosse Ile Nature and Land Conservancy I want to thank you for your membership in this outstanding organization. I also want to recognize the hard work done by our board of directors, especially our committee chairs who volunteer a significant amount of their free time to lead efforts on so many projects.

Earth Day & Arbor Day

The conservancy will again host an Earth Day Celebration on the afternoon of at the Centennial Farm, rain or shine... or snow. I say that tongue in cheek remembering when we scheduled an outdoor Earth Day pro­gram in 2005 and had to postpone it for a few weeks because of snow show­ers. We have another exciting program planned. Like last year we will start at 1 PM with lots of educational games, prizes, displays, recycling and re-use sta­tions, along with a guided walk along the Centennial Farm trail, weather permit­ting of course. At 3PM we'll have a BIRDS OF PREY presentation from the Howell Nature Area. Our website will have a detailed list of the activities. Let's hope for a day with sunshine, although it will be tough to beat the gorgeous spring day we enjoyed last year.

This year we will also participate in the Earth Day programs on April 22nd at the two Grosse Ile elementary schools, specifically with the tree planting plans. Onunder the direction of Margarete Hasserodt and Past President Doug Thiel, we will be offering a hands-on tree planting seminar at Centennial Farm. Please join us to learn about the techniques for successful tree planting on Grosse Ile. There is no cost to attend, but please contact the Recreation Department at 675-2364 to register.

Women’s History Month Project

Like many islanders I was delighted to learn of the Women's History Project this past month. When my oldest daughter was in elementary school, in another district, she always had assignments to do book reports or presentations on women of distinction during the month of March, just like they focused on the contributions of African Americans during the month of February. It was different when our family moved to Grosse Ile and I thought maybe "her" story was presented alongside "his" story through­out the school year. Perhaps this was naive. Now I wonder how many of our graduates are familiar with the likes of Rachel Carson, Margaret Meade, Marie Curie or Rosalind Franklin. Hopefully this ini­tiative will encourage our local educators at all grade levels to incorporate more of the accomplish­ments of women into the curriculum throughout the year. In support of the Project, the conservancy donated two interesting books to the Grosse Ile High School Library for the enrichment of students: Such News of the Land US. Women Nature Writers edited by Thomas S Edwards and Elizabeth A. DeWolfe and At Home on This Earth: Two Centuries of U.S. Women's Nature Writing edited by Lorraine Anderson and Thomas S. Edwards.

BASF Riverview Project

On Wednesday, May 14th all members and the community are invited to Township Hall at 8:OOPM. Mike Delacy of BASF Corporation will explain the remediation work being done at the Riverview shoreline, including the construction of a new fish habitat. This is a $25 million project that should be completed later this year. Come to hear about the details.

Airport Recreation/Commerce Park Trails

We're excited to tell you that several local scouts are interested in working on the trails at the Airport Recreation area along the north side of Commerce Park to make them more accessible year round. This winter, I walked the area several times when the ground was frozen, hopping the stream where necessary. I was impressed with the area since I hadn't realized there was a secluded pond in the woods, along with the beginnings of Frenchman's Creek. What a beautiful and peaceful place to walk! I was especially happy to be protected from the cold wind that seemed to blow everywhere else the island.

Membership Drive

If you haven't renewed your membership for 2008, we hope you will take this opportunity to do so with the enclosed envelope. In a few weeks, we will be sending out an all-resident mailing as part of a plan to expand membership and awareness of our island's unique natural wonders. When you receive your packet in the mail please consider making it an opportunity to talk to your neighbors, friends or relatives about joining the conservancy. Or better yet, consider giving someone a member­ship as a gift. Perhaps you have a child, parent, friend, a former neighbor living "off-island," or maybe a student away at college who might enjoy receiving our newsletters. Currently, the Voyageur travels to members of the conservancy in Switzerland (Viele Gruesse, Marianne!) and Arizona (Hi, Marilyn!) as well as other downriver communi­ties and Canada.

Committee Reports

Please look through the newsletter for the reports from our different committees. Contact any of the committee chairs if you are interested in volunteer­ing with any of our projects. Also, feel free to drop me a note at info@ginlc.org at any time to share any ideas or concerns. Thanks for your continued support & stay well!