Summer 2008
Vol. 16 No. 2

I should ask that a gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life..." Rachel Carson

In this issue...

Reflections from the President

Legislative Victory for Land Conservation

Tree Planting Workshop

Stewardship Report

Margarete Hasserdot is the Rotary "Citizen of the Year"

Geology Rocks Unveiling

Wildlife Signs

Nature Area Update

Recent Membership Drive

New Options for Donors

Watchful Eyes

GINLC Awarded Grant

Our Wish Came True

Did You Know?

Thank you

Memorial and Honors


Upcoming Events...

Nature Area Open
Saturdays 10AM to 2PM
Thursdays 6PM to 8PM
(Weather Permitting)

Late July - September
Lotus in Bloom
(Nature Area)

November 8
Annual Meeting


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Legislative Victory for Land Conservation

This spring, the House and Senate voted to overturn the president's veto of the Farm Bill. The Land Trust Alliance, our national coalition, worked hard to achieve this victory. This bill included the Conservation Tax Incentive, now enacted for two more years. It also puts back in place the incentive that had expired January 1st with the exact same terms, that is, raising the deduction for donated conservation easements from 30 to 50% of adjusted gross income and extending the time period for using the deduction from 6 to 16 years.