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NOTE:  ALL FILES DOWNLOADED GO IN THE GAMEDATA/BASE FOLDER OF YOUR TRIBES 2 DIRECTORY!!!  Right Click on the link and select Save Target As... to start the download. 

You can download the entire (S) skins set, the Player skins, Flag skins, and weapon skins in a single pack, located here.  Or you can DL them individually below...

Player Skins
Ok, finally I finished all of the skins.  Every single male, female, and bioderm is in here, including the light, medium, and heavies for each.  Download the .vl2 file here.

         Click on the thumbnail for a full-size image.
Halsshot0011.png (402813 bytes)    Halsshot0012.png (374976 bytes)    Halsshot0014.png (373214 bytes)

Flag Skins
Haha, y'all are gonna like this one.  I made us some custom flag skins.  I don't know about you, but I've found that the flags of T2 have just gotten boring after 2 years, so I cooked up this little batch of skins!  Download the official (S) Flag skin pack here.

Click on the thumbnail for a full-screen image.
Flag Back.png (475780 bytes)    Flag Front.png (417635 bytes)

Weapon Skins
I made this little set for the clan, it's a spinfusor skin!  Click here to download it...

Click on the thumbnail for a full-size image.
Disc Screen.jpg (44376 bytes)