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How to Use TeamSpeak 2


The first step to using TeamSpeak is to download the client, you can get it here.  You need to download the TS2 Win32 Client. 

Once you've installed the software, launch TeamSpeak.  Look under the Connections menu at the top, and click Quick Connect.

This is where you enter the server's IP address (which is basically it's street address on the internet.  It doesn't have to be numbers though.), your nickname (how you want others in the channel to see you), and the password.  For our channel, which is based in a  public server, you don't need a password, but you need one for the channel.  Ask a member online for the pass. 


Under Server address, enter the IP (, under Nickname, enter who you want to be known as.  Don't bother with the Login Name or Password.  Click connect.  Once you've done this, scroll through the list of channels and fine the one called SuperTroopers.

The next step is to set your audio to a Push to Talk Setting.  That way, everyone will hear you when you push a button and then talk, while holding it down.  If you don't do this, then all these ambient noises will play on your mic, making it extremely annoying for everyone else in the channel. 

Click on the Settings menu at the top, then click Sound Input/Output Settings.  Next, click the radio button that says Push To Talk and bind a key to hold down to talk with.  I use the Left Shift key.  Simply click the Set button and it will ask you to press the button you wish to hold down to talk.

It's also a good idea to turn the Output Volume up a little bit, so that we can hear you better, but only if your coming in faintly.  You can see if you are by pressing the Activate local test mode button at the bottom.

It is also wise to register with a server, if it allows you to. In some cases, like, only registered users can create channels. Go to Self>Register With Server. Create a username and password. Now, when you quick connect and it asks you for your Login Name, type in your user name. For password, enter the one for the server.

Well, that's it.  Your all set to play TS and stuff.  Have a great time gamin'!