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My Life

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My Birth

    I was born on a moonless Monday night of February 4, 1985 at 2:55am. my parents was excited that their marriage was soon be blessed w/ the birth of a baby boy. I came out healthy weighing 6.3 lbs and with the length of 50 cm. After 3 months... I was baptized at the PARISH of the HOLY CROSS and gave me the name "IVAN WARREN" meaning "GOD_GIVEN PROTECTOR."


 My Education

    I started Elelmentary at the age of 7. I enrolled at PACO CATHOLIC SCHOOL where I met a lot of friends. Since it is a catholic school, I discovered God's greatness through integration of Christian values in every subject. I graduated in 1998 and soon to enter a new stage of life.


   After graduating, I enrolled again at PACO CATHOLIC SCHOOL for high school. It took me quite a long time to adjust but I did well. I joined several school organizations and participate actively on various school programs. Soon, I was elected officer of a club, became a cadet officer, and became one of the hard working student leader of the school. I graduated in 2002 with honors.



    Now I am currently taking BS-ECE at the MAPUA INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY and continue to climb-up the steps toward succes.




My Birth                    My Education                    Now

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