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      The Jeff Connection stems from a theory that exists within the intelligence communities of the world. This natural phenomenon was discovered when two French scientists named Dr. Michel Batisse and Dr. Jean Naudin were performing supercollider research for a project financed by the British government involving pig feed. During his research, Dr. Naudin used many historical photographs and lithographs. While researching pig and sheep farming in the Falkland Islands, he discovered a shocking image of a drunken man dressed in camouflage standing next to Margret Thatcher. While this might not catch the attention of the untrained eye, due to Ms. Thatcher’s fetish for drunken men being well known information, the doctor found it strange that the man appeared to be the same drunken soldier who had been pictured with his arm around Mussolini in a picture he had seen early on in his research. Referring back to the Italian research he had done (code name: trima the wife’s mustache) he soon discovered that the two soldiers were indeed the very same man.

      This web page is dedicated to exposing the truth about this natural phenomenon and the secret government investigation that has been going on since its discovery. Please take the time to view our galleries of photos taken directly from official government buildings and seminars. We are risking our very lives to bring this information to you and we appreciate all of the support we can get. If you have ANY information which you think might help us in our mission to inform the public, please e-mail us.

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