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The Moonshine Valley


"Ho, I am Kino, the warrior and protector of Moonshine Valley Village and it's surrounding lands; I watch over the it's inhabitants and make sure that my friends are all safe and my beloved hometown undamaged. Moonshine is the home of the mortal men, like me. It stands in the shadow of their graces, the almighty Great Women, who created our beautiful land. The village is bustling with all sorts of interesting people from all over the ages, lands and universes who have decided to stay here in peace for the rest of their days. It is a small and unconcerned town, time moves by slow and lazily there, like a dream. Surrounding the village are the farm lands that begin gradually a few short miles later. In the farm lands live the people who raise poultry and livestock and till the soil to raise crops so that the village is supplied with delicious and fresh produce, meats and dairy which it wouldn't otherwise get. The people here are earthy and strong, and they respect the land and each other; be wary not to darken their good souls with mistrust of strangers. Be respectful of these people and their land and do no harm."
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The Village

The Outskirts

The Farmlands


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