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Moonshine Valley Farmlands

"Howdy darlin', My name is Diana, and I'm the owner of these here farmlands. I ask that you're extra careful and nice-like to all my animals, even the mice, for they're all special and wonderful and very dear to me and I wouldn' want them gett'n hurt. All of these here animals live and belong HERE, nowhere else, and I don' want you tak'n them nowhere. Is this all clear with y'all? Good! You can take a peek aroun' the barn or mosey on down to the pastures. Now, please do enjoy yerself while you'er here and feel free to munch on any food ya find ly'n aroun'."
If you would like to adopt a person like Diana, go here.

Enter the barn.

Danny and Jimmy
The barn came from HERE.
Danny came from here.
Jing's Country Corner Scarecrow Certificate
Jimmy came from here.
