Chapter 8
Ardeth woke slowly, feeling very comfortable and not really wanting to let go of sleep yet. Pale sunlight was just beginning to lighten the room, but it could not have been more than an hour after dawn. He was lying on his back with Rick beside, and half on top of him as well. Which was an oddly pleasant sort of thing actually, given that the room was still slightly chilled from the night air. Ardeth smiled and ran his free arm lightly down the arm Rick had over his chest. He had no idea how long he actually laid there simply enjoying the feel, and the oddly bitter-sweet memories of the night before. It felt good to have finally faced his old fears, certainly. And he was glad that Rick had faced down his own as well. But there was still a sadness to the memories. Old grief for Numan who had deserved to survive their capture as much as he had. The sadness and regret and anger that still claimed his thought when he recalled how is father had died. More than a dozen years had done nothing to really ease that loss. Especially now. When he so wanted to ask his father’s council on what was occurring. He reminded himself to speak with Abdul’s father. The old man was too stooped with arthritis and other ailments to ride to battle any longer but he was still wise. And unlike asking Selim or Arebe or Pasha his questions, asking Maluk’s opinion of his decisions would in no way affect his position or that of his fellow leaders.
Rick shifted away just a bit and it was enough that Ardeth could get out of bed. Tahiri or one of the others had come in with breakfast and coffee, as well as having taken their clothes away. He smiled a little at finding his dagger laid carefully on the far table near where Rick had thrown it no doubt. There was water enough in the pitcher to wash off with and he pulled on clean robes and sat down to eat. The curtains to the balcony stirred with far more than wind and he sighed, picking up his coffee and walking out onto the balcony. “Good morning, priest of AmmunRa.”
“Good morning, Ardeth.” Ammun’s high priest answered with a smile. “I bring you the greetings of my god, Medjai.”
He nodded. “I am as always so much more than honored that AmmunRa, He who is lord of all Egypt, should take notice of my presence here in the Duat.”
“No doubt as it should be then. I am also to tell you that you need not fear the German’s will attack tomorrow for they shall not. However, AmmunRa also gave me a message to give to you from the Bright Son of Osiris.”
Ardeth set his cup down. “If Horus wishes to tell me something I will always listen.”
“It is rather more a riddle than a message.”
“Another one?” He could not keep from sighing.
Imhotep smiled a little. “Such is the way of the gods, Ahba. This then is what AmmunRa said to me. “When can a trap be to the advantage of the prey and not the hunter?”
“When can a trap be to the advantage of the prey and not the hunter.” Ardeth repeated the words in Egyptian. “Very well, I shall try as always to think of what that means.”
“AmmunRa also said to me that one should be careful that in choosing the way one would achieve a goal one does not in another way only make the situation worse.”
“I do not understand the riddles the gods give Imhotep.”
“Nor do I, Ardeth. If you slay your enemy, then he is dead and no longer an enemy, would that not seem correct to you?”
Ardeth looked at him for a long moment. “Considering we are having this conversation at all, I would have to say, that is almost always true, yes. But there are obvious exceptions.”
Imhotep chuckled. “Point taken Ardeth. But unless one of the Germans is cursed by his gods, or mine, or even yours I suppose, I can not see that killing them more than once is something we should concern ourselves with do you?”
“No.” He agreed. “I would not think so. Why do you ask?”
“Because Ammun said to me that sometimes if you chop the head from the monster you face it is then even more of a monster than it was. Which made no sense to me at all.”
“No, nor to me. Did AmmunRa say I was not to share these new riddles with my tribesmates in search of answers?”
“No he did not, why?”
“Then I shall do so.” Ardeth picked up his coffee from the railing and took a swallow. “Was there any more to these riddles or messages, priest of AmmunRa?”
“No, Ardeth, I was given no other messages or riddles this morning. Only that which I have told you.” Ammun’s priest looked out over Thebes.
“Then I will do what I can with them.” He sighed. “But I wish I knew more of what they meant.”
“I am not certain that knowing one’s fate well before hand is something to be wished for, Ardeth. Suppose the fate you are to have is not one you would wish.”
“I suppose there is truth to that. But I do not think the gods give us these riddles for no reason.”
“No, of course not. And if solving them allows us an easier victory for Egypt then that of course is what must be done. I am only uncertain of the answers myself.” An oddly bitter smile. “Do you recall the night you came here, expecting to pay for the lives of your tribes, Ardeth?”
“As if I will ever forget.” But the memories did not have quite as much horror as he had expected. “Medjai I may be, priest of AmmunRa, but I am not so used to facing such a fate calmly that I would forget it now.”
Imhotep sighed. “No that is true. And you faced it bravely and with honor and all the stubbornness I have always known you to have. Do you recall what we spoke of once I returned from seeing AmmunRa to battle?”
Ardeth had to force down the shiver that the memories wanted to invoke. Odd now to realize how he had grown to not really fear the man beside him at all. When that night he had been so very certain he would have begged to die before it was over. “Before or after you gave me wine? I will admit that the after is rather blurry.” He found an answer that was far more neutral than he had thought he would manage.
“No doubt it does.” There was a slight smile to the words. “Before that. We spoke of– facing death and worse, and whether or not you had any knowledge of what you supposed I was going to do to you.”
Ardeth took a deep breath. “As I recall it, you threatened to have me lashed until I screamed or naked in your bed, if that is what you mean by death and worse, yes.”
Another chuckle. “Actually, no, I did not. You chose to interpret the question as a threat. What I asked was which would you prefer. I never specifically said I would harm you in either way.”
Ardeth tried to recall that specifically. “You certainly made it seem like a threat.”
“So I did.” A slightly bitter smile. “Not a fate I would wish on my worst and most hated enemy, Medjai. And you are hardly that.”
“I will be thankful for that, certainly.” Which was nothing but truth. “Why did you remind me of that now?”
“Because right after I succeeded in making you think that was the horrible fate I had planned for you Ahba, I asked you if you thought it was easier to face a fear you knew nothing about or one you had full knowledge of.”
“That I do recall.” He took a swallow of his coffee and thought for a moment. “Did we agree on which was more difficult?”
“Do we ever agree on these sorts of questions, Medjai?”
Ardeth smiled just a little. “No, usually we do not. Very well, priest of AmmunRa, I think it is harder to face a fear that you know very well than to face one you are ignorant of for the most part.”
“Well now there you see, we occasionally agree on something. As do I, Ardeth.”
He thought a bit more. “So, you think perhaps it is better to be ignorant of one’s fate if knowing it would only allow you to face a fear you know well than one you do not.”
“Exactly. Suppose I were an oracle and told to you that the Germans will destroy half your tribes, torture you and your brother as they did your tribesmates they captured and worse. Would you then be any better prepared for the battle than you are now?”
Ardeth shuddered. “Allah forbid, no.”
“No.” Imhotep’s voice was oddly flat.
Ardeth finished his coffee with a sigh. “Do you know what are fates are, Imhotep?”
The use of his name brought a slight smile to the man’s face. “No Ardeth, I do not. Nor do I wish to. Suppose AmmunRa tells me I will be thrown back into damnation or some such, hmm? Then likely I would be as mad as you think me.”
“No doubt you would have reason. I can not believe a god as kind as he has shown himself to be would reward your service to Egypt in such a manner. And while I am duty bound to see that you stay dead and buried in the waking world. I– suppose it might not conflict my oath to badly if that could be achieved and still allow you to stay here in the land of the faithful.”
That got a real smile, and Imhotep reached over and clasped his shoulder. “Thank you, Ardeth.”
“In’sh’Allah it will not come to pass that we shall have to see a way to be enemies again too soon after being allies.”
The fingers tightened on his shoulder. “Your god and mine willing indeed, Ardeth.” Imhotep released his shoulder and then gave a sigh. “Now I have talked so long that your brother is awake and about to join us and so I shall not get a kiss from you this morning, Ardeth. Does he practice at being so annoying or is it natural talent do you think?”
Despite himself Ardeth laughed. “I do not know, priest of AmmunRa, likely it is a bit of both.”
“Perhaps you are right. I shall claim my thank you later, Ardeth, and you can be equally thankful that I do not do so while your brother can see, hmm?”
“I would be truly thankful that you do not, yes.” He did not want to think of how Rick would react to that, given all the fears they had faced down just the night before.
“I know that, Ardeth. And while annoying your brother in turn would be amusing, I shall not strain our lack of enmity that much. Good morning O’Connell.” The last was in Arabic.
“Everything okay, Ardeth?” Rick asked in English walking out onto the balcony. And Ardeth realized that while he had left his weapons beside the bed, Rick had not. He smiled a bit.
“Quite well, habib. We are discussing more riddles the gods have given us.”
“Okay.” Rick sat beside him on the rail. “Anything I should know?” That was in Arabic as well.
“I do not know what to make of the riddles. But remind me to tell Evelyn and Sallah of them please?”
“I am somewhat surprised the Princess and her guards did not come with you again, warriors.” Imhotep made a small gesture and the coffee pot as well as two more cups came floating out of his room as if carried. Ardeth shook his head a little but then held out his own cup to be refilled.
“I am a bit surprised myself. Sallah, I do not doubt has spent most of the time he could find asking her to do just that.”
Imhotep smiled and refilled his cup, then poured the other two full and offered one to Rick, setting the pot down on the railing. “No doubt. If it should come to pass, Ardeth that he returns here, remind me to allow him to copy from the library of scrolls.”
Ardeth blinked a bit in surprise and then nodded. “I shall be glad to do so. Thank you, priest of AmmunRa.”
“It furthers the glory of the Egypt that was, Ardeth if more people remember that we were.”
“There is truth to that, I suppose.”
“I will leave you to enjoy your day warriors. But I shall expect you both for dinner.” Ammun’s priest set his cup of coffee aside.
Ardeth glanced at Rick, smiling a little as Rick rolled his eyes. “If possible, Priest of Ammun, may I speak to your god before he goes to battle the Destroyer once more?” He asked, truly hoping he would get the chance to do so. And perhaps find time to speak to Horus as well.
“Of course, Ardeth. I am always glad for your company.” The smile was teasing, but the words at least were in Egyptian.
Ardeth stifled the urge to roll his eyes as Rick had and only took a sip of his coffee. “No doubt.” He returned in Arabic. But the fact that the teasing had been given in Egyptian had not hidden the fact that it was teasing from Rick apparently because his friend only moved over to sit beside him on the railing now.
“Everything okay?” The English was low not quite a growl, but close enough.
“Fine, habib, only annoying a usual.” He replied in the same language. “I would be thankful as always for the wonder that is seeing he who is lord of all Egypt.” He offered to his host, back in Arabic now.
“For all our sakes, Ahba, I shall claim my thanks latter, hmm?” Ammun’s priest replied with a slight smile. “Otherwise, I think, your brother and I will yet again be at each other’s throats, and that would annoy AmmunRa. I shall do as I said and leave you to your brother’s- attentions, hmm?” The last was almost a chuckle. “You are, undoubtedly, a very lucky man, O’Connell. It will be interesting to see if your luck holds, will it not?” That was in Arabic as Imhotep headed through the curtains. “Ma’Salaama, Medjai.”
Ardeth shook his head. “And Ammun’s peace to you as well.” He returned.
That got a laugh. “You will learn yet, Ardeth. I will send Tahiri with lunch.” The words carried back and then the door closed before Ardeth could think of a response to that.
“Everything really all right?” Rick asked, starting to get to his feet as well. Ardeth only took the step that put him right in front of Rick and then leaned down just the bit needed to kiss him.
Rick smiled a little against his lips and then slid his arms around Ardeth, spreading his legs enough that Ardeth could move that bit closer and return the embrace. “Everything is fine.” He managed as he finally broke the kiss. “Good morning, habib.”
“It is now, yeah.” Rick nodded and then kissed him again. “But I missed waking up in your arms again.”
“It is a very ingrained habit to be up at dawn, habib. I think even here there is some part of my mind that realizes the sun is rising and so I must get up.” He shrugged a bit. “I have had coffee and kisses I relish, Allah is merciful and will understand that I did not actually wake quite in time for prayers. What more could I want from so new a day?”
“Breakfast?” Rick shrugged. “I’m starving.”
Ardeth laughed. “As am I. There is breakfast inside.”
“Yeah.” Rick traced his jaw with one hand. “Any kisses you didn’t want today?”
“No.” He smiled. “Not even one.”
That seemed to surprise Rick. “Yeah? Don’t take this wrong, habibi, but that really makes me nervous.”
“No doubt.” He understood that all too well. “But it was not any attempt at politeness of trickery on his part, Rick. Only that you woke before he expected and so you annoyed him a great deal.”
“Yeah?” Rick smiled. “It is a pretty good morning then isn’t it?”
Ardeth rolled his eyes. “Only a few kisses left, habib. I am well, hmm? You worry too much for my safety, Rick.”
“Lovers do that, Ardeth.” The words were far more serious and gentle than he expected.
“Do they then?” He traced Rick’s jaw in turn. “I am– unaccustomed yet to the ways of lovers, Rick.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s– a lot like being friends in some ways, Ardeth. Only a lot more...does that make any sense?”
“Perhaps a little. I worried about your safety before we were lovers certainly.” It felt so odd to simply say that calmly as Rick did. Lovers...when the whole of it made him warm and flushed and so very full of joy.
“Yeah, and I worried about yours too. It’s just’s more now, right?”
“Yes.” He agreed. “Much more.” He kissed Rick fully. “You give me wings, Rick O’Connell, and you make my heart more full of joy and gladness even now in the midst of more loss and worry than I have ever known.”
“You gotta tell me how you find the words, Ardeth.” Rick stood and pulled him tightly close.
“I have told you, Rick. You inspire me.”
“You inspire me too, Ardeth but I still can’t put it into words.”
“Perhaps we do not need words then, hmm?”
“Maybe not.” Rick slid one hand into his hair and kissed him, softly then deeper, a long hot sharing of breath, filled with all the promise of the pleasure and joy they shared.
“That is– better than words.” He managed as they finally broke apart.
“Yeah.” Rick nodded a little. “You’ve gotten so good at that.”
“You make it very easy to practice.” He returned which got a chuckle. “But now, I think I wish to eat something for breakfast or I will not have the strength for everything else I wish to practice, hmm?”
“Really?” Rick’s eyes were bright blue now. “There a lot on your list of things to practice, Ardeth?” Rick’s hand stroked up his back.
“A great deal, yes. Food first, habib?”
They headed back inside, and Ardeth remembered to take the coffee with them this time. He set it down and was about to sit himself when Rick pulled him back into his arms. “Habib?”
“I didn’t get to say this when I woke up, habib, since the damned thing was right there.” Rick reached over and traced his jaw with gentle fingers and then kissed him, long and full. Ardeth opened his lips to Rick’s tongue, catching it in a duel as best he could and sighing when Rick broke the kiss with a smile. “Thank you for last night, muHabb.”
He smiled back and put his hand against Rick’s heart. “It was not only your maze we walked, habibi, but you are welcome.”
“No I guess it wasn’t.” Rick agreed. “You okay this morning?”
“I am.” He nodded. “Whatever ghosts we dragged into the light to lay to rest they stayed buried I think I slept quite well.”
“Yeah me too.” Rick smiled a bit more and then kissed him again. “I gotta start waking up earlier, so I can be in your arms, huh?”
“Do you truly enjoy that so much, Rick?” He flushed just a bit. “It is very wonderful to wake in your arms.” He agreed, standing up and then pulled Rick into his arms and kissed him fully, losing himself in the long hot duel of tongues that resulted until he could not breathe. “Allah but that is Paradise.” He was a bit surprised the words came out that coherently.
Rick chuckled. “Close, yeah. But not as close as loving you.”
“Hmm, no, nothing in my life has ever brought me the joy I feel when you love me, Rick.” He smiled a bit more and then pulled Rick back into another kiss, before moving to lick at his friend’s throat. “Except of course loving you in return. How can something feel so good from both sides, that I am always wanting both?”
“I don’t know, Ardeth. First time in my life I’ve enjoyed both too you know.” Rick pointed out.
“It is?” He met the bright blue eyes uncertainly. “I thought you said you had done so before?”
“Been taken you mean? Yeah, once, but hell if I remember it Ardeth. I was so drunk I don’t remember most of that whole day. All I recall was that I didn’t see why Rolande seemed to think it was so much fun and that I’d stick to women, or the other side of it.”
He was not sure he was content with that but he let it go for now. “Better than a bad memory I suppose.”
“Yeah. Nothing bad just nothing good either.” Rick shrugged. “Until now.”
“Hmm, truly?” He smiled and then ran his hands down Rick’s back. “I was not certain I would be able to please you as you did me.”
“It was perfect, Ardeth. Well, almost perfect.”
“Almost?” He pulled back just as he was about to kiss Rick again.
“Yeah, I wanted to see you, and kiss you too.” Rick smiled and then pulled him into the interrupted kiss with a sigh. Ardeth hugged him tightly, breaking the kiss after far too short a time.
“Then let us see if you enjoy that as much as I did.
“Aren’t we going to eat first?”
“I am hungry yes, but I can do with out the food you know.” He smiled a bit.
“Eat.” Rick’s smiled back with that almost hungry look Ardeth had come to enjoy. “You’ll need your strength, habibi.”
He felt himself flush a bit but sat down and then bit into the apple with a smile. Rick sat back down as well and poured himself some more coffee. It did not seem to take but a few minutes for them to finish what they cared to from the breakfast.
“We were hungry.” Rick chuckled, looking over what was left on the table, which was not a great deal.
“Loving you makes me hungry for a great deal, Rick, only a portion of which is food.” He replied and then leaned over and claimed a kiss. “So now that we both have eaten and have the strength to spare shall we spend it?”
“Sounds really good, Ardeth, yeah.” Rick nodded, rising to his feet and shrugging out of his gun holster. He walked over and set it on the table beside the bed, opposite of Ardeth’s scimitar and knives, and he was pleased and embarrassed to note a full bottle of oil in a warming basket beside the bed.
“We really must decide what to get her for a gift.” He shook his head.
Rick chuckled. “Yeah, we do.” Rick agreed unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging out of it.
“Now you will not let me bother with undoing those?” He asked, not certain why that bothered him so.
“I’d like if you did, Ardeth yeah. But there aren’t any more of my clothes in the chest. Just another set of yours. And if I let you undress me, Ardeth my clothes are going to wind up on the floor. And I won’t have anything to wear later, if we want to go get a bath or something.”
“Ah.” He walked over and took the shirt from Rick to lay it over a chair. “You can borrow my robes.”
“I’d look silly.”
“I do not think so, although you would do better with some of Adham’s. You are too broad through here for mine to fit you well.” He stroked his hands down Rick’s chest. “And too tall.”
“Hmm, well for now let’s leave me something to wear later.”
“All right then.” He smiled and then pushed Rick backward just a bit. “Sit.”
“You are pushy you know that?”
“I am used to commanding several thousands yes. I suppose pushy is accurate.” He smiled a bit more. “Sit habibi? Please?”
Rick sighed and did so. And Ardeth only leaned down to kiss him again and then went to his knees and ran his hands up along Rick’s boots. “Ardeth.”
“Now at least I know why this roused you so.” He undid the buckles and then pulled the boots from Rick’s feet.
“Yeah, you have any idea how beautiful you look like that?”
He felt himself flush just a little. “I am not the one who is beautiful.” He disagreed.
Rick chuckled. “Right, well I think you are, habibi.” Rick traced his jaw with one hand.
He caught Rick’s fingers and brought them to his lips. “Let us finish undressing you, hmm? Then you can help me with mine.”
“I’d like that, Ardeth.” Rick nodded and stood up. It was an impossible temptation to resist but he still surprised himself when he knelt up a bit and still on his knees slid his hands up Rick’s legs to tease just lightly over the growing proof of his arousal. Rick groaned out his name and he undid the buckle to the belt and the buttons of the slacks quickly to slide them down and onto the floor. “You learn so quick.”
“Easy to do when one has a very good teacher and a even better desire to learn.” He smiled, and traced Rick’s length with one finger. “You feel so very good.”
“Hmm, that’s nice. Ardeth?”
“Yes, habibi?”
Rick reached down and tangled his fingers in Ardeth’s hair. Ardeth smiled just a bit and then met those hot blue eyes for a long moment before ducking his head just a bit on purpose and placing a kiss to the tip. “Oh...”
“Hmm?” He licked lightly and then rose to his feet, picking up the slacks he had just helped Rick out of and laying them over the chair as well.. “Good?”
“Hell yeah.” Rick smiled and then kissed him.
“Then we managed a great deal last night did we not?”
“Yeah, habibi we did.” Rick agreed. Rick reached for his sash and he smiled as the knot was undone and the material pulled away. “More like unwrapping a gift than undressing someone you know.”
“I am a gift now?” He asked.
Rick looked at him for a moment. “That okay?”
He smiled, and then caught Rick’s hand and brought it to his lips. “I have never before felt as cherished as I do when you love me, Rick.”
“Just checking.”
He nodded, and then tried it himself since they had tested Rick’s demons this morning already. “With you habibi I will be thankful not only that I am a gift, but I will even try to believe I might be worth as much as some of the gold of Hamanaptura, hmm?”
Rick smiled and then kissed him lightly. “You’re worth a hell of a lot more than gold, Ardeth.”
And it made him smile. “Truly?”
“Hmm. If it pleases you to think so.” He kissed Rick deeply, sighing when Rick’s fingers buried themselves in his hair and pulled him closer. He slid his own hands over his friend’s back, tracing smooth skin and the old scars that he had come to recognize by touch now. “May I ask, habibi?”
“Ask what?” Rick looked at him in confusion.
“Who gave you these?” He stroked his hands down the lines that Rick had identified for him before.
“Oh.” Rick shrugged. “First part of my sentence when I got sent to prison.”
“It must have hurt a great deal.”
“Yeah. Whips are nasty things, could have been worse though, they only gave me thirty and it was all on my shoulders.”
“You need a few dozen tatoos, habib, to proclaim your bravery.” He shook his head.
“Let’s not push my luck with Evie that far, okay?”
Ardeth laughed. “‘As you say.” He pulled Rick into another kiss and then smiled as Rick undid the ties on his galabeyah. “Do not tangle those.”
“We’ve got knives.”
“Bis’mil’Allah.” He rolled his eyes but then helped Rick undo the knots and shrugged out of his robes. “Come to bed, habib.”
“God you’re gorgeous.”
“Then we are even on that as well.” Ardeth sat down on the edge of the mattress. Rick kissed him again, and it took no time at all for them to be lying full out on the bed, Rick propped above him. He rolled them over so that he could lick at Rick’s neck, down to the hollow of his throat and then along one collarbone like Rick had done for him before nipping at the skin there.
“Oh that’s nice.”
“Good.” He smiled and did it again, then worked lower, teasing one nipple with his tongue then sucking harder when Rick’s hands tangled in his hair. He moved to the other side to do the same and then chuckled when Rick rolled them over again. “Habibi.”
“My turn.” Rick whispered the words against his throat, tongue teasing that spot just below Ardeth’s ear that he was fining made him shudder. Rick smiled against his skin and then worked his way down slowly, teasing Ardeth’s nipples with his hands as he covered his neck in kisses.
“Rick.” He growled out his friend’s name.
“Good?” Rick smiled and then closed his lips around one nipple making Ardeth arch into the sensation. Rick nipped gently at the already sensitive skin and Ardeth could only groan and try to get his fingers into Rick’s short hair.
“Please habibi?”
“Yeah.” Rick kissed him again, long and deep. “My turn this time, Ardeth.”
“Yes, I know.” He smiled and pushed Rick onto his back. He took a moment to taste Rick’s throat again and then followed the caress of his tongue with the edge of his beard and Rick groaned out what was probably meant as his name. He stroked his hand down and clasped Rick’s arousal gently before moving to lick again at the tip. Rick only groaned and spread his legs, allowing Ardeth to mostly lay between then. He did his best to take as much as he could into his mouth, swallowing a few times and then raising his head slowly to catch his breath. “Oil, habibi?”
Rick groaned but pulled the bottle from the basket that was within arms reach and handed it to him. Ardeth set it aside for a moment and propped himself up to meet Rick’s eyes. “You will tell me if I do this wrong, hmm?”
“Oh don’t you start.” Rick grumbled but he smiled none the less.
Ardeth chuckled. “As you say.” He poured some of the oil on his fingers and handed the bottle back. “Warm.” He smiled and then stroked one finger lightly down Rick’s arousal, back over the sac’s behind as gentle as he knew how, then along the smooth line of skin behind them before he found the opening to Rick’s body. And it seemed so very impossible that this would ever work as he slid that finger inside the incredibly tight heat.
“Oh God.” Rick tossed his head back but the moan was not really pain Ardeth did not think. So he kept the caress, moving his other hand to stroke Rick again. “So good Ardeth.”
“I have a very good teacher.” He smiled.
“Thanks...More, huh?”
“Oh there is more, habibi, I promise.” He tried to recall how Rick always brought him such pleasure with this as he slowly worked the second finger inside. “Rick?” He was a little uncertain that he was doing this right, because Rick still felt so tight about his fingers. Rick groaned a bit, leaning his head back against the bedding. “Habibi?”
“Hmm, it’s tight, but not bad. Just-- really odd.”
“Yes, I recall thinking that.” He agreed, moving to mostly lay his head on Rick’s thigh as he did this. Rick’s fingers began to stroke through his hair. He pressed a kiss to the inside of one thigh as he slid the two fingers out and then back in, searching for the spot that had lifted him so high when Rick had touched it for him. The angle was all wrong though, and he was not as certain of this as he had been the other position he and Rick had tried this in. It took a few strokes deep into Rick’s body before he found it but there was no doubt when he did because Rick arched into the touch with a cry.
“Yes. Oh God Ardeth, again?”
“Yes habibi.” He repeated the move, enjoying Rick’s reactions each time he did. So odd still to realize that watching Rick’s passion was just as arousing as feeling the desire himself. He took the oil jug back from Rick to pour a bit more onto his hand before trying to ease that third finger inside.
Rick hissed out a breath and Ardeth stopped, not certain what to make of the sound, which did not seem completely like pleasure. But the bright blue eyes were closed as Rick arched his back a little, head pressed back into the bedding.
“Rick?” He started to draw his fingers free.
“Just– give me a second, huh?” Rick swallowed hard but there was no pain to the words really. But the muscles under his hands were tense and he could see the tension in the way Rick’s back was arched.
“Anything.” He promised willing to wait as long as he had to if it would insure Rick enjoyed his touch.
“Feels-- different this way, huh?” Rick asked, but he relaxed back onto the mattress and blinked, opening his eyes to meet Ardeth’s gaze.
“Yes.” He agreed and then raised himself up on his other arm to lean up and kiss Rick gently. “Good still?”
“Yeah Ardeth just– tight. I think that’s supposed to make it better for you, you know.” Rick gave him a half-smile.
He sighed. “What makes it good for us both habibi, is that it is joy and pleasure between us and for us both. Nothing brings me more pleasure than knowing I am pleasing you.”
“How do you find the words?” Rick sighed but he smiled and pressed into Ardeth’s hand a bit.
“Arabic is a language of love, habibi you should know that.” He kissed Rick again and then eased his fingers out and then back finding that spot again and smiling as Rick groaned out his name and pressed into the kiss and the caress. Then he slowly eased his fingers free and poured more oil onto his hand to slick it over himself. “This is awkward is it not?”
“Yeah.” Rick nodded. “We’re going to make fools of ourselves.”
“As long as I do not hurt you, I can be foolish.” Ardeth managed. Rick smiled and then the look in his eyes changed. “Habibi?”
“Trying to remember how...” Rick moved and then raised his knees to his own chest before reaching for Ardeth. And he shook his head in disbelief but moved with him so that Rick’s legs were against his chest. “Hey it works.”
“Allah be thanked.” He whispered and it was even more than he expected it to be to slide ever so slowly into Rick like this, and watch the surprise and then joy that lit the blue eyes until they were almost brilliant.
“Oh God, Ardeth.”
“Yes.” He agreed. “Nothing I have ever known, nothing I have ever had could...Allah I would give my soul for...”
“Shhh. Just do it, habibi. Make me whole, huh?” Rick smiled. “Feels so good. God you’re huge.”
“Hmm, no, but it feels so does it not?” He smiled and then suddenly slipped that last bit inside and they were as close as possible.
“Christ.” Rick tossed his head back eyes closed now.
“Yeah. Good, just, too much, Ardeth. God, it’s good.”
“Al’hamdil’Allah.” He gave thanks to God. Pulling away a bit and then rocking back.
Rick’s eyes opened and just stared at him. Rick smiled just a little, and then brought one hand to stroke his cheek. "Habibi. Now, huh?”
Ardeth leaned down to kiss him and took his cock in the hand not bracing his weight. Rick had one hand buried in his hair now the other gripping his hip and it was so much that he could barely breathe, or think. Enough to make him cry out against the pleasure they built between them. Tongues sliding against each other in between gasps for air and he could feel the tears that threatened, when the joy was too much to hold and then release caught him up in a spiral he could not deny any longer and he was tossed hard into the air, knowing he was crying and yet still holding onto Rick with every bit of strength he had left.
"Ardeth!” Rick’s voice broke somewhere on his name and he pushed against him once more as warm pulses spilled over his hand and both their bodies.
“Oh Allah Rick.” He whispered against Rick’s throat.
Rick sighed. “Perfect habibi.”
Ardeth found the strength to raise his head and meet Rick’s eyes. “Paradise, yes.” He smiled a bit, and then leaned forwards to kiss Rick softly, as he lowered Rick’s legs from his shoulders and drew away, trying not to cause any pain when he did. He could not keep from shivering at the loss of that connection though. Rick caught his breath in a gasp but did not seem too concerned and only let Ardeth pull him close and hold him as tightly as he could. It was a long time before he could really do more than simply lay there and hold on. Then he began to stroke one hand down Rick’s back, trying to soothe him some. He found one of the sheets with the other hand and pulled it up a bit around them and only held Rick again. “Habibi?”
“Hmm, ‘s good.” Rick sighed, and Ardeth could feel the smile against his skin.
“I am glad. You always make me feel so wonderful, Rick, it is good to know I can do so in return.”
“Yeah. Really nice to enjoy it both ways too you know.”
“I think so, yes.” He stroked Rick’s back again. “I was not too uncoordinated then?”
“God no. Perfect, Ardeth, really.”
He felt himself flush a bit despite the very real pride the words gave him. “It was indeed. As loving you always is, Rick. Thanks be to God no doubt.”
“Hmm, I’m still not sure we should be thanking Allah for stuff like this you know.”
He sighed. “If Allah would punish me for this sin, then all my faith is wrong. He is too compassionate to hate so.”
“I thought you said it wasn’t a sin?” Rick seemed surprised by that.
“I did? Oh, loving you, you mean. It is not, you are not Muslim, I am not married. Sharing pleasure between us is no sin at all. Nor, and I am thankful for this, is having you inside me. Some might think it costs me status or station I suppose but that is foolish. The only sin I have committed is in allowing myself the wonder of being inside you. Technically, that is a sin, I think. Although, I have a very hard time applying the concept of sodomy to what we share between us.”
Rick muttered something Ardeth could not catch. “Okay wait a second why is me loving you not a sin, and you loving me is?” He asked finally.
Ardeth chuckled. “Because committing sodomy is sinful, receiving it is not.” He shrugged a bit. “I am not certain either applies here in any case because you are not Muslim and that usually means that the same laws do not apply.”
“You know what? I’m not even going to try to make sense of that. I think I’m just going to trust that God’s too merciful to toss us into hell for loving each other, Ardeth.”
“And I mukalb and I.”
“So I’m your heart am I?” He could hear the smile in Rick’s voice.
“Yes.” He admitted softly. “Should I not say so?”
“Sounds perfect, Ardeth. Honest.” Rick moved a bit and then kissed him softly and he gave himself to that kiss. “You’re perfect.” Rick whispered the words against his lips.
“Hmm?” He smiled a bit. “Why do you not lay there and I will get us some water to wash up with, hmm?”
“Okay, I can do decadent.” Rick chuckled.
“In’sh’Allah, Tahiri will bring us lunch here and we can truly do so, yes.”
“Sounds good.” Rick smiled and Ardeth kissed him again, quickly before getting up to get the bowl of water from the low table. He did not miss the way Rick watched him as he did so, but it only made him smile a bit. He washed himself off and then turned back to Rick.
“Am I so very good to look at, habibi?” He asked as he brought the bowl of water and a wet cloth back to the bed.
“Yeah.” Rick smiled. Ardeth smiled back and then drew the cloth from the water and wrung it out before wiping it over Rick’s chest and then lower over his stomach. “Hmm.” The bright blue eyes closed and Rick laid back against the mattress.
“It is not quite the same as being lizards and lions in the sun, but perhaps I can get you to doze off, hmm?”
“Considering all the activity we had last night and today? Yeah probably.” Rick smiled.
“Hmm, there is truth to that.” He stroked the soft linen lower, easing the last traces of Rick’s release from his skin and then down between his legs. Rick hissed in a breath but did not move otherwise. “Sore?” He asked softly.
“Yeah, just a bit.”
“I shall be kind and believe you.” He smiled.
“I believed you too, habibi. I just– “
”Shhh, I was teasing. It is miracle enough that you are so willing to share with me like his, Rick, when you have such memories to face when you do. You should never fault yourself for the fact that they bother you still.”
“I guess. But when it comes down to it Ardeth we’ve both come pretty damned close to being raped you know. What about two or three minutes I guess? And we both made it out okay. I think that’s kinda a cause for having a party myself.”
He shook his head. “Very likely, yes. But it was far different for me, Rick. I did not even understand the threat being made only expected to die quickly.” He sighed at his own naivete. And then recalled the conversation he and Imhotep had had only a bit earlier that day. “Is it braver do you think to face a fear you know nothing about or one you know very well?” He set the cloth and bowl aside and only snuggled back under the sheet and into Rick’s arms.
“I don’t know, Ardeth. I guess it’s harder to face something when you know how bad it’s going to be. Otherwise you can talk yourself into thinking it won’t be so bad.”
“There is truth to that. So then your fear was far greater than mine, Rick.”
“I guess.” Rick sighed but he snuggled into Ardeth’s arms as well. “I’d rather think about how much I enjoyed what we just did that old ghosts.”
“And I, habibi. And I.” He smiled. “It is almost as good in a different way of course to hold you like this now that we have sated our desire as it is to share the lovemaking itself.”
“Yeah it is.” Rick chuckled. “I really hope Tahiri brings us lunch.” He yawned. “Then again, maybe we can just sleep through lunch.”
Ardeth smiled. “There is some truth to that.” He stroked Rick’s hair a bit and then down his back, and it was enough to simply lie there an enjoy the feel of his friend’s body pressed so tight against his. Please, most merciful, Allah, I know that something is going to happen in the battle to come that worries many of Egypt’s defenders. I am new yet to the joy of having someone to love so, and even newer to the fear of losing that love. Likely not all of us will survive this battle, most merciful. If that is to be the case, I would ask that whatever horror must be born that I be allowed to shoulder it. I know that Rick and my family would mourn, but he has Evelyn to love him and Alex to raise. And I could not bear seeing his loss if anything happened to Evelyn. And I do not know that either she or I would be able to bear losing him. So, please if as AmmunRa has alluded and death must come when we do not will it. I will take the tenid for my own. He closed his eyes and only stroked his hand down Rick’s back again. Rest well, my heart, Allah grant you pleasant dreams, full of all that is bright and beautiful. If he was fortunate this visit or the next would yield him the opportunity to share pleasure with Rick again, and he could content himself with that memory for a very long time in Paradise. What would you do, Rick if you knew that the reason I pressed us both so hard last night with the laying of our ghosts to rest was because I did not want to leave you with yours or take mine with me when I join Allah? Likely you would be angry. But it is my gift to you, beloved, as you have given me joy and pleasure beyond my heart’s ability to hold. He tightened his arms again and contented himself with the warmth and strength he could feel.
Imhotep watched as his guests both filled their plates and then joined him on the dias. He had to wonder if they managed to keep their attraction and love for each other a secret any better in Ahm Shere than they did here. Because it was so very obvious to anyone who looked at them. He smiled a little, both amused and just slightly envious as well. It was not that he truly begrudged Ardeth the joy the young man had found in O’Connell’s arms, but he could not help but desire very much to be in O’Connell’s place. “Good evening, warriors.”
“Good evening, Priest of AmmunRa. My apologies for our lateness. I thought you would come and wake me so that I could speak to AmmunRa.”
“I did come to wake you, Ardeth. I even went so far as to truly knock upon the door. That you did not hear me is not my fault. I could have of course simply walked in and told you it was time to wake up, but I thought perhaps it was– inconsiderate to interrupt you at that point in time, hmm?”
Ardeth flushed, a very pleasing expression of embarrassment and shyness crossing his face before he ducked his head. “I suppose I must be thankful for that.” It was a mumble.
“You are most welcome, Medjai. I will add it to those things you can thank me for latter, hmm?” He looked over at O’Connell and switched to Arabic. “Please, do not let me keep you from dinner, hmm? You are both hungry no doubt.” He raised one eyebrow. O’Connell muttered something in English, to which Ardeth responded and they both took their seats on either side of him. He was willing to let them eat some and wait for the entertainment to begin before he leaned over to speak to O’Connell again. “I know you enjoy sharing his bed, O’Connell, but to try to remember when he says he is going to come to see AmmunRa, he should be there.”
O’Connell muttered something in English and then forced himself calm. “If AmmunRa wants us to be there, I’ll make sure we’re there.”
“Good.” He chuckled. “Next time I come to invite your brother to see Ammun, and you are too busy sharing pleasure between you I may not do you both the courtesy of knocking. Not, I think that you would notice I was there.”
That really did anger the young man beside him. “Once this war is over, I’m going to really enjoy getting to put you back in the ground again.”
Imhotep shrugged a bit. “That is hardly something I think I need to worry about, O’Connell. I am being a kind enough host to allow you and your brother the time here for you to share his bed. I am even kind enough to leave you to alone to enjoy it, for the most part. Why then are you so angry at me?”
“If you’ve got to ask why I’m ready to rip your head off for playing voyeur with Ardeth and me you’re even more nuts than he thinks you are.”
He chuckled again. “O’Connell, it is not madness at all that makes me ask the question. Only disbelief. Surely you of all men can understand that I enjoy watching him, hmm? Does he have any idea do you think of how pleasing he is to look at? Or how arousing it is to watch him in the midst of passion? For now, champion of Anubis, I must content myself with looking after all.” He let his gaze play over the young American with a smile. “And watching him with you of course only allows me to anticipate even more.”
“When hell freezes over.” O’Connell growled.
“You may ask Anubis if that is the case within six months then shall you not?” He shrugged and leaned back in his chair with a chuckle. You are so easy to bait, O’Connell.
Anger and disgust and then something darker than either filled the man’s thoughts before they were pulled tightly to English. “I’ll kill you first.”
And while he was tempted to find some flippant reply to the threat the edges of O’Connell’s thoughts that he could grasp as he spoke in Arabic gave him pause. “Truce, O’Connell. Let us not kill each other yet, when Egypt needs us both. You are so easy to tease.”
O’Connell growled something, the only word of which he could catch was the odd way the American had of saying Anubis’ name.
“It is interesting that you mention the god of those who’s hearts have stilled.” He went on in Arabic, pleased at the surprise that got from the man. “I am to give you a message from him, since AmmunRa has told him he can not speak to you or Ardeth directly.”
“Really?” That was almost calm. “And what makes you think I’m going to believe that?”
“I swear it to AmmunRa of course. Tell to the champion of Osiris’ dark son that Anubis gave me these words to give to him, Falcons are birds of the sunlight, jackals are hounds of the night do not confuse the two.”
“Why can’t they ever give you a straight answer or even a straight question?”
Imhotep chuckled. “Now that is an annoyance we agree on, O’Connell. But I have delivered my message. It is up to you to make sense of it.”
“Great.” The man sighed and then simply got up and went over to talk to Ardeth.
“I have the rudest guests.” He rolled his eyes, but left the two alone for the moment. Since he had at least one victory in this battle of insults and threats with O’Connell. You truly believe that if I win I will take you to my bed do you not, warrior? I think even your brother has come to understand that I will not force him to mine, with or without our wager or the gods’ decree. I shall not alleviate you of that notion however, because I owe you a few yanks of the chain as you put it yet. And while I am fond of your brother, truly, you are more annoying than intriguing. But annoying the young man in turn was certainly amusing. He sighed a bit, and simply sat back to enjoy the entertainment. Unlike his guests he had no illusions of how much longer they would all be there to enjoy it.
Captain Schwartz tapped another of his precious horde of cigarettes into his hand and then lit it, taking a deep lungfull of the smoke and holding it before he exhaled and watched the smoke rise skyward. He took a swallow of his schnaps laced-coffee and it was almost enough to calm his nerves. Almost enough that he could forget for a moment the men he had just finished burying. Damn these Arabs to hell, and the man who lead them against him straight into the jaws of Satan. Not only had he lost more of his men, he’d lost all his prisoners and was not one bit closer to knowing the why’s of it. And then that damned fool of an S.S. Major had tried to tell him what he was doing wrong. As if the man had any notion of battle tactics, or the culture of these people, or even on how to actually interrogate anyone. Torture, certainly, the man was damned good at that. But did he really expect answers when he didn’t even question the men in a language they spoke? Perhaps Oberfuhrer Kratz had simply been in the desert to long and was mad with the sun. Perhaps they all were. Because God knew he was almost willing to let the man have the next arabs they took prisoner and then he could ask them questions in English and in Arabic and Kratz could do what he did so well and persuade the men to tell him what he wanted to know. He took another long swallow of his coffee. He would find a way to capture the damned Englishman who kept coming to rescue his prisoners, and the man who had come with him, and even the woman. Although, it might be best of course if she escaped. Schwartz did not fool himself into thinking he could keep all him men in line all the time, and the temptation would be more than he expected a few of them could deal with. What was the German army coming to when he could no longer expect his men to behave as soldiers? What was it coming to when he was no longer certain he could behave as one himself.
“Captain?” Dr. Weiss came over to sit not far away.
“Good evening, doctor. There is coffee if you would like?” He indicated the pot.
“Yes, thank you. I thought I would tell you that the young lieutenant, Kirtch? He is doing quite well. I think, if as you say we send a convoy of wounded back to the hospital in Ethiopia that he will be well enough to make the trip.”
“That is good to know.” He nodded.
“Still trying to puzzle out the men who came to rescue your prisoners?”
“Yes.” He took another drink of coffee and then pulled his flask out and offered it to the doctor as well.
“Yes, please, thank you God.” The man held out his mug. Schwartz smiled a bit and poured some into the coffee. “Any luck?”
“With the puzzle, no. It is the same three who have come both times to rescue their men though. Which is just damnably odd. The Englishman I understand, the Arab with him must be someone of reasonable position in this tribe he’s gathered to fight for him. But a woman? The Arabs don’t let their women fight. And God knows the English are at least somewhat civilized and certainly wouldn’t bring her to a battle. And I do not know how they manage to simply teleport from one place to another like they do.”
“Perhaps the tales of old magic here in Egypt are not as much superstition as you thought.”
“You are a man of science doctor.” He shook his head.
“And there are yet questions it can not answer.” Weiss shrugged. “I have been thinking about your rescuers myself, Captain. Do you suppose the woman is his translator? And that is why he brings her with him?”
Schwartz thought about that for a bit. “Perhaps you have the right idea there. It would make sense would it not? Her coloring could mostly pass for a native although she’s pale for one of them. And I didn’t get a good look at her eyes. But she doesn’t veil herself and her clothes were definitely European. Yes, that may be it.”
“I thought about it for a while and it came to me that perhaps she is his link to these people.”
“You are thinking that he’s taken the damned heathen as his wife?” Oberfuhrer Kratz’s voice was not a pleasant surprise.
“Not how I would of put it, but yes, that was my thought.” Weiss agreed. Kratz came over and sat with them, uninvited. “Oberfuhrer.”
“Doctor, Kaptain. I’ve spoken with a few of the men who have seen these three rescuers as you put it, herr Doctor. It may be that the woman is their translator but I don’t know that I can see the English debasing himself enough to actually wed her.”
“Maybe he thought her a worthy bride?” Schwartz suggested just because he had to. “Maybe she’s someone rather important to these people? Their leader’s daughter or something? That would give him a position where he might be able to influence them enough to lead them.”
“Really Captain, you give these Arabs too much credit.”
Schwartz took a drink of his coffee and then a slow breath in through his cigarette. “I am willing to do so given what they have managed to achieve against us, yes. But, I wonder at how they achieved it, and why they follow this Englishman to war with us.”
“It is human nature, Captain. Those who are too weak to lead, follow.”
“None of that explains the woman.” Doctor Weiss put in before Schwartz could let his temper get the better of him.
“Perhaps she is the translator. Perhaps she was some Englishman’s paramour and leaned to speak a somewhat civilized tongue. Perhaps you are right and she is even his, although why any one of decent birth would want to consort with these heathens is beyond me.”
“They aren’t heathens, Kratz they’re Moslems.” He sighed.
The S.S. officer spit into the fire. “Worse than Jews.”
Which of course meant there was no point in arguing that at all. “We are still no closer to finding out who they are, who the Englishman is, who the woman is, or how the hell they defeated our tanks.”
“Then perhaps, Captain, when you capture another patrol tomorrow, and I’m certain you will, you will allow me to question these filthy arabs as they should be questioned?”
He looked over at the Major and then finished the last of his coffee. “I think, perhaps Oberfuhrer that like achieving this mission objective we would do best to question these men together. Then perhaps we can learn something.”
“There is logic in that. And you Herr doctor?”
Weiss looked at them for a long moment and then shook his head. “No, Officers, I think I am not needed for any of this now. I will go and see to me patients. Do you think we can send the wounded back to Ethiopia tomorrow, Captain?”
“I think so, yes. It will do us good not to have to worry about them when we go back to battle and it will free more of your staff up to help any new wounded we receive.”
“Good. I will see that they are ready to move then. May your plans bring a swift end to this officers.”
“Victory for Germany, Doctor. No matter the cost.” Oberfuhrer Kratz smiled.
Doctor Weiss walked back to the medical tent and Schwartz finished his cigarette. Wondering to himself if he had made the right choice after all.