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Fat Burners

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Fat Burners


EAS Betalean HP

Our most powerful fat burning supplement. EAS have combined a strong mix of caffeine and other thermogenic ingredients to produce one of our best selling supplements.

Label and nutritional information:

Utilizing Precision Release Matrix™, Betalean HP delivers 80% of the active constituents initially and the remnant over the following two hours. This technology takes the "edge" off the effects of traditional thermogenics. When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program, Betalean HP helps increase fat burning and support a healthy metabolic rate - Your total body transformation solution.

Active Ingredients:

  • Ephedrine Alkaloids
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Green Tea leaf extract
  • Ma Huang extract
  • Caffeine
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Naringin
  • Coleus Forskohlii (standardized)

Recommended dosage:

Take 3 capsules twice daily before meals or exercise. Do not exceed 5 days per week dosage or 9 capsules per day. Do not use for more than 12 weeks. After a 12 week usage period, discontinue use for at least 2 weeks. Read consumer warning before use.

Warning: Contains Ephedrine Alkaloids, consult your doctor. Not suitable for the caffeine intolerant, children under 16 years of age or pregnant women.

A bottle of EAS Betalean HP will last a consumer 40 days of recommended dose.

Key Benefits:

  • Increase your metabolic rate while exercising to increase fat burning
  • Keep your metabolic rate at a healthy level throughout the day
  • Maximize fat burning efficiency while exercising


Supplement Units Price
EAS Betalean HP 1 £35


Chemical Pro-Lean II

Chemical have re-released this top selling product under a new name and with new contents. The aptly named Pro-Lean II is the new and improved version of the standard setting Pro Lean.

Label and nutritional information:

When we formulated Pr-Lean II, we were fully aware that the desire to lose body fat was not just confined to competitive bodybuilders. We included only those materials that are supported by up to date scientific research with a proven track record of effectiveness and safety. Pro-Lean II contains the most powerful tools that we can legally use.

Active Ingredients:

  • Coleus Forskohlii (standardized)
  • Banaba Extract
  • Sida Cordifolia extract
  • Caffeine
  • Bioprene

Recommended dosage:

Take two capsules twice daily after food. do not take before bedtime. Do not take if: you are currently taking MAO Inhibitor medications, have high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid problems, prostate problems, you are pregnant or lactating.

A bottle of Chemical Pro-Lean II will last 30 days of recommended dose.

Key Benefits:

  • Upgrade thyroid production
  • Multi-angle approach to fat loss
  • Increases lipolysis
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Backed by scientific research


Supplement Units Price
Chemical Pro-Lean II 1 £25


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