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Resistance Suite

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Cardio Vascular
Resistance Suite
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The Titans Gym & Fitness Resistance Suite is a fully equipped section of our gym that has many functions. The resistance machines are all high quality, heavy duty machines that are made by reputable firms like Panatta and Body Force. In this section the widest range of exercises are possible, and so is the scope for physical benefit. The resistance machines target certain muscles in the body, so you can work out each part of your body separately, giving the most benefits.

Key Benefits

  • Tone muscle
  • Build Muscle
  • Aid a fitness program
  • Help lose weight
  • Improve general strength and fitness



Information Request Form

If you want us to send you more information about this section of Titans Gym & Fitness, then let us know how to contact you. Fill in your name and address here and we can send you literature or have one of our staff call and tell you more information person to person.

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