Their songs get straight to the point, instead of unnecessarily stretching them out. Even though this album might be slightly shorter than you're expecting, it doesn't feel rushed. The band are great songwriters, and seem to know just how to get the best out of a song. There was never a moment in the album where a particular song started to drag down the rest of the CD. I think Closet Monster, thanks to a mix of experience and talent, are up there are one of the most interesting punk bands in Canada - and definitely the best current local band.
A couple days after I bought this, they came out with a new version with an extra track. Ouch, that's got to be bad timing. This EP is a step in the right direction. It's got the same catchiness and anthemic qualities of "Killed the Radio Star," (c'mon, just try not to sing along with "Mamma Anti-Fascisto (Never Surrender)") plus all the anger you've come to expect, but it's more mature than the last release. Closet Monster has developed a slightly different sound, but still sound true to their roots. Sounds like the next full-length will be awesome.