Music Reviews

Yeah, I couldn't think of a witty title for this page. Anyway, music and ranting are my passions in life, so I thought, why not put them together? Click on a band to read reviews for every CD I own by them that I've gotten around to reviewing. My reviews are very brief, but hey, Ramones songs were like two minutes long, and they're what saved rock 'n' roll. I give every CD a score out of ten thumbs up.

Review Pages That Are Coming...Someday*

Accident Prone
All-American Rejects
Black Flag
Box Car Racer
Brand New
The Clash
Closet Monster
Crowned King
Dead Kennedys
Don't Look Down
Econoline Crush
Eve 6
The Explosion
Good Charlotte
Green Day
Less Than Jake
Minor Threat
New Found Glory
New Radicals
Not By Choice
The Offspring
Our Lady Peace
Social Distortion
Simple Plan
Sum 41
Tiger Army
Treble Charger
Unfair Advantage

CDs That Didn't Get Their Own Page

The Rating Scale!

I mercilessly ripped this off of that Simpsons episode where Homer becomes a food critic, and due to his ridiculously high reviews, a co-worker comments "Nine thumbs up?! What the hell is that?"

1 - 5 Thumbs Up: Don't waste your time or money. 6 Thumbs Up: Despite having one or two redeeming qualities, this album is overall mediocre and non-essential. 7 Thumbs Up: Slightly worse than I expected, but still has a handful of stand-out tracks and a reasonable amount of replay value. 8 Thumbs Up: A quality album. Several stand-out tracks, very consistent, fairly original, and a great amount of replay value. (Due to the cost of CDs, I usually only buy one if I have some idea that it will be good. As a result, most scores default to 8.) 9 Thumbs Up: Better than the average album. Breaks out of a genre's "mould," very little filler, gobs of replay value, and consistently good tracks. 10 Thumbs Up: Groundbreakingly original. No filler, endless replay value, and excellent track selection. Essential.

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