
The Horrorpops are a Danish psychobilly band that formed in 1997. For some reason, they have had club hits in Denmark thanks to someone randomly copying and distributing their recordings. Kim Nekroman of veteran psychobilly band the Nekromantix is featured on guitar, and they even have two members who are paid to do nothing but dance. If that won't convince you, I don't know what will.

Hell Yeah! (2004)
8 Thumbs Up

What's cool about this album is how unclassifyable it is. It's too pop to be punk, too rock to be pop, and too punk to be psychobilly, although it does have a classic stand-up bass and 50's influenced song styles. Lead vocalist and stand-up bassist Patricia comes off like an evil Gwen Stefani of No Doubt, crooning about ghouls and mental illness in a sweet voice with the occasional snarl. Kim Nekroman and Karsten, the male guitar players, join in on the choruses of the songs, which ends up sounding really cool. They're a bit like if Blondie and the Ramones spawned some sort of child, but it was Danish and into horror movies instead of a New York hipster.

The Horrorpops may be heavily influenced by horror punk, but they are far more tongue in cheek than the likes of the Misfits. Instead of screaming about disembowling their enemies, they prefer topics like dating the undead and failed relationships. Opening track "Julia," with its 80's style bass line, single "Miss Take," the horror punk "Ghouls," and "Baby Lou Tattoo," which is a mixture of pop and rockabilly, are the best tracks on the album. The Horrorpops are one new band that I have a lot of faith in. They could care less about fitting into one category - they're the last band that will become "fashioncore." Ah, those Europeans; always bettering us at everything.

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