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undefined All About Wolves!

Red Wolves

Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis

THe red wolf's coat ranges from cinnamon red, grey to black. Its is much smaller than the Mexican, grey, maned wolves, red wolves mate for life. when the cubs are about 6 months old, they are mature enough to leave home, that is why red wolf packs are smaller than grey wolf packs.

Red wolves prefer to eat white-tailed deer and raccoon, but will eat any available small animal. Pure red wolves are thought to be extinct in the wild. The 3 problems that threaten the red wolves' survival are:

1. the loss of habitat: the growth of agriculture, logging and human settlement has destroyed the red wolves home.

2. the hunting of wolves: they were hunted because they preyed on farmers cattle.

3. red wolves mating with coyotes: and as the population of red wolves declined, coyotes expanded in to its territory .
At present, there are 300 captive red wolves in zoos and captive breeding facilities.

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