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Produced in 1990 by Sunsoft of Japan, this is the very first Batman game for Game Boy.

GRAPHICS: What do you expect. We are talking about a very early Game Boy Game, in an era when the best game was Super Mario Land 1. The backgrounds are pretty decent as well as the several enemy sprites, but what suffers is Batman's sprite. Batman is very small and ugly, and if the sprite was a bit better the graphics could be considered good.

SOUND: Game Boy is not famous for its music capabilites, but Batman has some nice catchy tunes. Nothing more and nothing less, but adequate.

GAMEPLAY: It's like a traditional platform shoot'em up with Batman thrown in as an afterthought. This means that the gameplay is very ''un-Batman'': no fists, no grappling hook etc. It is just Batman carrying a gun shooting enemies. The gun can be powered up, and thankfully one of the weapons is batarangs. The game is very simple but enjoyable, the control precise and the difficulty challenging. A nice touch is the addition of a Batwing shooting up level. There are four levels total, loosely following the plot of the film. Gotham Streets, Axis Chemicals, Flugelheim Museum, the aforementioned Batwing level and the Cathedral.

OVERALL: Certainly a cash-in, but pretty enjoyable for a (very) few bucks. It looks average, but it is very simple and fun to play. I am sure that it was a success not only because of its license, but because of this simplicity in the gameplay. I remember a time when every kid I saw carrying a Game Boy had either Mario or Batman 1.

Title Screen

Level 1: Streets

Level 1: Jack Napier

Level 2: Flugelheim


Level 3: Batwing

Level 4: The Cathedral

The Final Confrontation