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I wonder why Acclaim released the too ambitious (but failed) Batman Forever video game to the 8-bit portable machines, let alone Game Boy (in 1995 there was no GB Color, just the plain old B&W Game Boy). This game was simply decent on the SNES and it wasn't good even on the Mega Drive/ Genesis, so what to expect here?

This version is simply a crappier version of the Game Gear version. There are just 4 levels total (not the 8 levels of the 16-bit versions). The graphics look totally empty. In some cases you will think that the level doesn't have a background. Not to mention the crappy look of the digitized sprites. It would have been a better game if they had used traditional hand-drawn graphics.

The levels that made it here are the 2nd Bank of Gotham, The Hippodrome, The Subway and Claw Island.

The gameplay is ''Mortalkombatesque'' here as well, and imagine the hilarious end result… It is almost impossible to play unless you are very patient. And tha awful graphics don't help your patience…

There's no much more to say. This is perhaps the worst Batman game of its time. Non-existent graphics, awkward and boring gameplay. Batman For Never… If you want Batman for Game Boy play Batman: The Animated Series by Konami or Batman: Chaos in Gotham by Ubi Soft.

Cheat Menu: At the difficulty select screen press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right.

Title Screen

Level 1: The Bank

Level 2: Hippodrome

Level 2: Hippodrome

Level 3: The Subway

Level 4: Claw Island

Level 4: The Riddler