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This game has a nice concept. Instead of taking the role of the Dark Knight, the player controls Gotham's famous snti-heroine, Catwoman. So far so good? No. Unfortunately the game is below average. After the initial positive impressions, what we are left with is a boring side-scroller with a small purple sprite.

GRAPHICS: In the good bat-related games, one of the highlights are the backgrounds. However here, you don't see much of Batman's mythic city, but most of the stages are boring, colorful corridors. The sprites are small and ugly, even by Game Boy standards.

SOUND: Dreadful music, and basic SFX.

GAMEPLAY: Very boring. As I said, it has very dull backgrounds, and all you have to do is running around, kicking some ugly baddies and jumping platforms. There are no real elements of the comics. Unfortunately, you don't get to fight any of the well-known Gotham villains, or even Batman himself.

OVERALL: Unfortunately, a sadly missed opportunity. A Catwoman game might sound cool, but the abysmal graphics and dull gameplay let you down. The only ones that might ave fun with this game would be little girls that have a GBC and like Catwoman.