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Released by Sunsoft in 1992 as a ''sequel'' to their previous Batman game, released in 1990 based on the first Burton film. I say sequel, because the film-tie game had the Joker, and since this is called ''Return of the Joker'', there should be a connection. If not then, where does Joker return from? Anyway. This is one of the four ''Joker Returns'' games released, all by Sunsoft, for the three Nintendo consoles and the Sega Genesis. In my opinion all four of them were hardly satisfying as Batman games, but this small GB game is perhaps the most ''passable'' of them.

GRAPHICS: Compared to ''Batman'' for Game Boy, the graphics are a lot superior. Large, satisfying sprites and nice backgrounds. The animation is decent as well. It's surprising the amount of different animations Batman has.

SOUND: Game Boy had not powerful music capabilities, but this game doesn't sound very bad. The little tunes in the game are catchy and enjoyable to listen to while playing. Not impressive, but far from awful.

GAMEPLAY: The main sprite has several moves at its disposal. It can run, jump, use a hook or grab walls to jump higher. There are also boomerangs for the player to collect and confront the enemies with more power. The problem is that while the game is a bit small (4 levels), it is very hard. The enemies are tough (especially the bosses), and there are many tricky (almost nerve-shredding) spots with difficult jumps. Each time you drain your energy it's Game Over and there are 2 continues. Each time you fall it's Game Over as well.

OVERALL: Of all the ''Return of the Joker'' games this is the only ''good-looking''. It has nice graphics and sound, and nice control, but the very high level of difficulty is a minus. Also, there are just 4 levels that may be finished very quickly when you master the game (this means: when you learn the position of the traps). All in all, if it was easier and had more levels it would be a great game, but as it is, it is a bit of missed opportunity. 


Level 1: The Sewers

Boss 1: Dark Claw

2: Machine Shop

3: The Train

Boss 3: Foul Ball

4: Limestone Caverns

Final Boss: The Joker