G's List

Movies: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Index

G.I. Jane
  G.I. Jane
A Navy Intelligence officer is determined to succeed in the most honored and merciless fighting force in the world - the Navy SEALs.
Game, The
  Game, The
San Francisco banker Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas) is a financial genius and a coldhearted loner. On his birthday, he receives an unusual present from his brother (Sean Penn) -- a gift certificate to play a unique kind of game. In about a nanosecond, Douglas finds himself consumed by the game and unable to distinguish where the charade ends and reality begins.
A young man, born in the 90s, is vulnerable to emotions he's not supposed to feel in the 21st Century where perfection is made possible by genetic science. Sci-fi thriller about an all-too-human man who dares to defy the system.
General's Daughter, The
  General's Daughter, The
It's all fun and games in camouflage -- until the general's daughter ends up dead. John Travolta plays a tough-as-nails military detective who joins co-worker and ex-lover Madeleine Stowe to solve a convoluted and terrifying murder case that could bring down the base. Slick and twisted, The General's Daughter is buoyed by powerful performances from James Woods, James Cromwell and Timothy Hutton.
Swayze plays a ghost who teams with a psychic (Whoopi Goldberg) to uncover the truth behind his murder - and to rescue his sweetheart (Demi Moore) from a similar fate.
Ghost of The Darkness
  Ghost of The Darkness
Two lions on a man-eating rampage have shut down the construction of a railway. Big-game hunter Remington (Douglas) and construction engineer Patterson (Kilmer) set out to stop these unstoppable monsters.
Ghost of Mars
  Ghost of Mars
Two hundred years in the future, a squad of tough-as-nails cops led by Famke Janssen and Pam Grier are dispatched to a remote mining outpost on Mars to bring back a deadly criminal. But they get more than they bargained for when they have to fight off an army of miners who've been possessed by an unspeakable, ancient evil in this sci-fi thriller directed by John Carpenter.
Ghost World
  Ghost World
Geeky humor that really snarls pervades this movie riff on the legendary underground comic/graphic novel by Daniel Clowes. Mopey high schooler Enid (Thora Birch) and her equally disaffected friend Rebecca (Scarlett Johansson) are a couple of slackers with a penchant for hurtful practical jokes. But when Enid begins to bond with one of their targets (Steve Buscemi), look out -- teen angst might give way to real feeling.
Gift, The
  Gift, The
Gifted with visions of the future, Annie Wilson (Cate Blanchett) struggles to support her three sons by giving psychic readings for her fellow townsfolk. When the authorities find a drowned woman's body, Annie starts having visions of the brutal murder and who committed it. She soon realizes she's the only one who can testify to what truly happened … and that she could be the killer's next target.
Upon the death of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, his trusted and successful general Maximus is unlawfully imprisoned and condemned to the gladiator games by Marcus' twisted son Commodus.
An epic tale of triumph and tragedy. Based on the letters of Col. Robert G. Shaw, Glory tells the tale of a Union Army regiment composed entirely of black volunteers. Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman and Andre Braugher stand out as soldiers with a personal stake in the fight against slavery. Matthew Broderick shines as Shaw, who commanded the regiment at great personal risk.
Godfather, The
  Godfather, The
A security expert is hired to protect a music/movie superstar. Each expects to be in charge. What they don't expect is to fall in love.
Gone in 60 Seconds
  Gone in 60 Seconds
Former car thief Randall "Memphis" Raines (Nicolas Cage) must come out of retirement to steal 50 cars in one night or his brother Kip (Giovanni Ribisi) will die. Randall enlists help from a few "boost happy" pals to accomplish the seemingly impossible feat. From countless car chases to relentless cops, the roadblocks Randall must swerve around to save Kip add up to high-octane excitement.
Goodwill Hunting
  Goodwill Hunting
Copping Best Screenplay Oscars for Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, Good Will Hunting features Damon as a mathematical genius trapped in a dead-end janitorial job at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Robin Williams is the down-to-earth shrink who helps Damon confront the demons holding him back. Stellan Skarsgård and Minnie Driver help bring this inspiring 1997 drama to life.
Great Expectations
  Great Expectations
Thanks to a mysterious benefactor, aspiring artist Finn goes to New York, where he is reunited with the icy and beautiful Estella. When she agrees to model for him, Finn's dearest hopes may at last be realized, along with his darkest fears.
Green Mile, The
  Green Mile, The
Set on death row in a Southern prison, The Green Mile chronicles the story of the cell block's head guard (Tom Hanks), who develops a poignant relationship with an inmate (Michael Clarke Duncan) who possesses a miraculous gift
Grosse Pointe Blank
  Grosse Pointe Blank
Hugh Grant and Andie McDowell seem destined for each other, but destiny has other plans in this quick-witted comedic look at fate and fortune.
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