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Chiang Sheng

Chiang Sheng (also known as Cutie Pie) was one of the five venoms and a Shaw Brothers star. He was sent off to opera school as a child because his family was large, and it was hard to care for everyone.

Chiang Sheng often was the comic relief of the venoms. In Magnificent Ruffians, he made this comment that I thought was so funny. His two friends told him to pawn his swords so they could get money to eat. Chiang told them that they could eat him and then pulled on his skin saying something like, "There's lots of meat." Now if you know Chiang, then you know how slim he was, and it was funny to hear him say that.

Something else I found funny was in Daredevils. During the last fight scene, Chiang tries to pick up the man he's fighting, but fails. Then he gets picked up easily and thrown down. You'd have to see it, but it ooked really funny.

In 1991, Chiang was found dead in his home. I've read that he died of a heart attack, but I've also read that he died of a broken heart.

Other things I've read are that Chiang had a family, wife and kids. And I've heard that when he moved back to Taiwan, he wasn't able to get movie jobs like he used to.

* are by the movies in which he had a very small role.

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Some of his films

Sword Stained With Royal Blood
Magnificent Ruffians
Invincible Shaolin/Unbeatable Dragon
Masked Avengers
Flag of Iron
5 Deadly Venoms
Kid With the Golden Arm
Killer Army
Nine Demons
Two Champions of Death/Two Champions of Shaolin
*Chinatown Kid
*Invincible Kung Fu Brothers
*Brave Archer
*Brave Archer 2
Crippled Avengers
Return of the 5 Deadly Venoms
Shaolin Rescuers