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VCD Easy

VCD Easy

To Copy A VCD With VCDeasy.


1.        Open VCDeasy leave the volume label as VIDEOCD the bin output file should be C:\Windows\desktop\videocd.bin

2.      Click on the options button at the top and in the album name box type VIDEOCD

3.      Go back to main and click add files on the MPEG 1 Video/Picture files box.

4.      Find the first mpeg file (e.g. D:\scooby00) double click and leave it to scan which takes about 5 minutes when the scan has finished the file will appear in the box above the add button.

5.      Click Go beside the scan bar, VCDeasy will now scan the sequence and write an image file to your computer, just leave it to run. It will take about 10-15 minutes.

6.     To burn the image to CD click Tools on the side bar then the CDRDOA button on the top. Click the CUE\TOC file on the Burn a CUE or TOC CD image box. Find the videocd.cue file and click open the file should appear in the box. Click burn next to the CUE\TOC file button and leave to run this stage will take about 20 minutes or if you have Nero burning rom the go to the Nero link and follow instructions there.

7.       When you have finished copying delete the videocd, videocd.cue and videocd.bin files as they take lot of space up on your PC.



Diagram 1

Visit our Links page for a site to download this software and don't forget to visit the Warnings and info page first.

When you download the software you need it is advisable to make a new folder (e.g. DVD copying) and save each program in its own named folder (e.g. C:\DVD copying\Smartripper etc.) for ease of use in the later stages of the processes.



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