Allison Fleury:
Oh yeah. I like the characters and the plotline and all that good stuff.
Sean Catlett:
Cool. And these stories you wrote, did you post them online initially?
Allison Fleury:
Yeah. At the time, I was posting to a Sonic newsgroup quite a bit. I think it's still around, but it sucks now. Anyway...I posted them there at first and some people thought they were ok. Then I found TsF and Sonic HQ and sent stories to them too.
Sean Catlett:
Which stories?
Allison Fleury:
Most of my early ones, I don't really remember all of what's up there. I think Sonic HQ still has them, but TsF is gone now, I guess. But they're all up on the net somewhere.
Sean Catlett:
And how many of them did you write before you discovered the sorta awesomeness of
Allison Fleury:
Wow...I dunno...maybe around 10...probably more though.
Sean Catlett:
Were any of those early stories inspired by stories that other authors wrote?
Allison Fleury:
Some of them were inspired by movies, though the story 'Glow of Something Bright' pretty much rips off the beginning of 'A Sorceror, a demon and some emerald,' a STH fic notorious for turning Sonic into an evillll rapist. XD
Sean Catlett:
Allison Fleury:
Sure was :)
Sean Catlett:
See, one of the things I got from totally drowning myself in your body of work is that you seem to be pretty down with making up your own characters, and I was wondering if that came from any outside inspiration or if you was just like "Fuck ya'll" to everybody.
Allison Fleury:
I really like to make up characters. It usually starts off by me being inspired by a character in a movie/book/whatever, or more commonly, I just find a name I like and decide to make a character for the name. So yeah, some outside inspiration.
Sean Catlett:
Were any of your characters modelled after people that you knew personally?
Allison Fleury:
Continue to Part Four