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Archives: 2002 Archives: 2002

december 31st, 2002
Happy New Years Eve! wow, the year is almost over. i can't believe it! how about an interview i found of hugh and halle promoting swordfish? click here. it will be added to the interviews section. well, have a very good new years everyone!

december 16th, 2002
new layout! i made this layout about a week ago, but didnt change it until now. hope you like it!! inspired by someone like you. :D sign the guest book to give me feed back! thanks!
NOTE: The quiz and poll are currently out of order. The host of the quiz and poll is experiencing technical difficulties. Sorry for the inconvinence.

december 12th, 2002
well, GOOD NEWS! askmen.comhas decided to make hugh askmen's man of the week starting December 15th. that's this sunday. check it out on sunday. in the meantime, why don't you stop by askmen.com just for fun?

december 6th, 2002
well, a new month has come. X2 is officialy in post-productions, but there is no new news on hugh. :( i will look for stuff to post, but it might take a while. well, hope the people on the east coast are enjoying the snow. i am! stay warm!

novmeber 30th, 2002
changed the layout. took a lonng time. hope you like it. email me if there are any kinks in the new layout (broken links, images not showing...). give me feedback in my guestbook. thanks.
joined a load of fanlistings last night. check them out. they are on the main page here.

november 29th, 2002
just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. hope everyone had a great one. X2 countdown: 153 days and counting. please sign the guestbook and vote. thanks!

november 12th, 2002
new layout!!! i heard this song and thought of these two pictures, so i just HAD to make this layout. though these pix are old, they still look really really good. give me feed back guestbook & vote. thanx!

october 28th, 2002
put up the new tv listings for november! (thanks again, jamie)
check out this article. it's hilarious! click here
please sign the guestbook and vote for this site. thanx!

october 23rd, 2002
Hugh got #8 on E!'s Sexiest Men of 2002. personally, he should be #1, but #8 is definitely a big jump up from his last year rank of #25.
please vote for my site, please.
please sign the guestbook. THANKS!

october 19th, 2002
quick facts was updated with hugh's middle name: Michael and hugh's favorite invention: the radio
how did i not have this info? i dunno...beats me...but now i know..
please sign the guest book thank you

october 11th, 2002
just like to let you know that X2 is scheduled to finish filming November 12th of this year. (what other year would it be?) good sign that things are going smoothly, even thought it is a few days behind the original date.
Tomorrow is Hugh's 34th Birthday! YAY! I, personally, am going to celebrate with his movies and a pint of Ben & Jerry's Icecream. what are you going to do? email me at hughjackman@now.nu and i will post up the differnet results.
please sign the guestbook. thanx!

october 10th, 2002
updated the tv listings for october. sorry they're a little late this time.
only ONE more day until Hugh's birthday! YAY!
203 days until X2 is released.
please sign the guestbook

october 6th, 2002
changed the layout. hugh and oscar again. too cute to pass up. yeah. sign the guest book and gimme feedback.
207 days til X2. 6 days till hugh's birthday. YAY!

september 23rd, 2002
alas. more than 20 days since i last updates. for that, i am very sorry. i will try to get more updates in. well, after ALMOST passing it by (for what reason, i do not know), i found this great pic of Hugh at the Oscars at zap2it. well, enjoy it!
well, the emmys were on last night. hope everyone got a chance to watch it. Hugh's fellow aussie actor, Simon Baker, showed up. he obviously took some fashion advice from Hugh since he too was wearing Gucci Hugh was at the oscars. wanna see Simon? take a peek at people.com
please sign the guestbook

september 12th, 2002
new layout. hope you like it. sign the guestbook and give me feedback. thanx!

september 11th, 2002

september 10th, 2002
wow, it's been five whole days since i last updated. now that schools started again, these updates won't be quite as often as before. i really would like to spend more time on this site, but it's going to be difficult.
well, here's a pretty steamy pic of hugh and halle in swordfish to recognize the opening of the new Swordfish pix section in the gallery. hope you like it.
on the eve of September 11th, i'd just like to acknowledge all the men and women who died on that fatefull day. we'll always remember.
p.s: please sign the guestbook. each message means a whole lot. thanx!

september 5th, 2002
added X2 teaser screencaps. click here i tried to get as many scenes as i could, but some were just too fast.

september 2nd, 2002
go to www.hollywood.com and type Hugh Jackman in the search. it's a great site filled with interview videos and traliers. definitely go check it out.

august 30th, 2002 (second update)
tv listings for September are up! *cheers* thanx again, Jamie! now we can all enjoy Hugh on screen!
new site for simon baker. www.simonbaker.cjb.net. no, i am NOT leaving Hugh in the dust. don't worry, this site is my MAIN site. it's just that simon and hugh seemed to be having a good time at the Golden Globes this year. so, i looked this guy up and it turns out taht he is an Aussie too! he's on tv in the CBS show The Guardian (Tues. @ 9pm). check it out.

august 30th, 2002
new Oklahoma! layout. added new sections. hopefully, you won't get lost. sorry, but this format is much easier to work with. hugh's stuff contains anything that has to do with hugh. site content contains anything that is the site and not completely hugh.

august 27th, 2002
im sorry for the quiz's top 10 not puttin names up. it is now fixed. i apologize for that. a reminder that you must insert a email address to have your name show up. don't worry, nothing will be sent to you.
i also fixed the tv listings and the soundtracks. sorry for the inconvienice.

august 23rd, 2002
added buddy icons! i've been meaning to do this for a while, but i finally got around to it! yeah! if you want a custom buddy icon that is animated, contact me at hughjackman@now.nu or IM me at hjackmanfan and i will try my best to make you the buddy icon of your dreams! cheers! :)
well, a new x-men teaser is out. im trying to stay away from teasers, but i think there is one at the official x-men site, www.x-men-the-movie.com. so if you wanna see teasers, just go there. *grins*
the boy from oz delayed? yes, according to people.com click here for the whole story...its at the bottom of the page.

august 21st, 2002
added some pix to the pictures under hugh as hugh. check em out.

august 20th, 2002
yeah, okay, it's been more than a week, and hugh wasn't on SNL :( sorry, i got mixed...he wuz supposed to be tho...
well, to make up for that, here's a Someone Like You Colloge...click here (opens in a new window)
i also moved interviews and quotes into hugh's stuff which used to be hugh's info.
i added a soundtracks page for all of hugh's movies and plays that i could find. it's also under hugh's stuff

august 10th, 2002

well, im off on vacation for a week, but don't worry, im not leaving you empty-handed! here are two brand new wallpapers for your desktop! enjoy em!

***REMINDER: Hugh will be on Saturday Night Live tonight! Make sure to catch that!
See "Hugh" in a week! ~Gloria

august 7th, 2002
changed the layout! yes, finally...Someone Like You. He looks really good in that movie.hehe. sign the guestbook to give me feedback!
tv listings for august...when hugh is gonna be on...click here (thank you sooooo much Jamie!!!)

august 5th, 2002
added wallpaper section. wallpaper for your desktop. also under pictures

august 4th, 2002
Hugh Jackman #7 Top Aussies by Celebrity Top Ten...wut? only #7...he should be #1!!!

august 2nd, 2002
SNL AGAIN!!! yeAA! august 10th, 2002. next saturday! set your VCR's and TIVO's for this event. it's the LAST time it's gonna be broadcasted! make sure to watch it! August 10th, 2002 on NBC at 11:30pm
found snl transcript page. has some of the transcripts from hugh's appearence. yup, it's pretty funnie. i think they could use some more tho, cuz they've only got a few...click here..

july 30th, 2002
that's by current desktop. want that wallpaper or other hugh jackman wallpapers? well you can! hugh jackman wallpaper section coming soon! :)

found these two funny links to parody pages on Yahoo Groups: Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman Parody Page and the Swordfish Parody Page. if the links don't work, just go to www.bentfork.net and look around for them.

Also found this really cool yoyo clip of Hugh yoyoing. just go to Google, type in "Yahoo Groups Hugh Jackman" and click on the first link that appears. Join that group and you have access to a bunch of cool Hugh goodies including the yoyo clip. the yoyo clip is under "files" in the column to your left. and then click "video clips". the yoyo clips are really great.(thanks again, JAMIE!!!)

X2 update...don't worry no spoilers here...click here im a no-spoilers-before-watching-the-movie type person too..so no worries, mate

july 25th, 2002
added a quiz and a poll. they are both under fun & games.
also, i have the Kate and Leopold trailer pics up in the pics section. juss forgot to tell ppl.

july 23rd, 2002
new layout!!! i just had to make a layout with hugh and oscar! oscar is so adorable! i LOVE it. hehe! give me feedback...sign the guestbook or IM me at hjackmanfan. thankz!

july 16th, 2002
hugh's movies are gonna be on...here are the listings..(thanks Jamie!!!!)
Tuesday on HBO at 8pm est - Swordfish
Thursday on HBO2 at 8pm est - Swordfish
Friday, July 26th at 8pm est - Paperback Hero
make sure to watch em!

july 13th, 2002
try iming the webmistress at hjackmanfan for AOL Instant Messanger. we can chat about the FINE Aussie!

july 12th, 2002
here's the Wolvie & pup pic...click here. Oscar is soooooo adorable! it's a really cute picture

july 2nd, 2002
wow, more than a week since last update. sorry. well, new layout today. give me feedback please...sign the guestbook. thankz!
X2 relase date: May 2nd, 2003. CANT WAIT!!!
Two new mutants supposed to show in X2. prolly beast and someone else. it'll be cool to see beast. nice!

june 21st, 2002
here's the transcription from that SNL episode where hugh hosted. it's the part where he sings in the begining of the show...click here
here's an interesting article. a bit weird...just read it...click here

june 12th, 2002
did anyone happen to catch hugh on AFL's 100 years - 100 passions thing last nite? wow, he was looking GOOD (as always). kate and leopold out on dvd. go get it!

june 10th, 2002
Kate and Leopold DVD release tomorrow! yeah!

june 8th, 2002
changed the layout...what do you think? sign the gbook to give me feedback...
a kate and leopold trailer stills page will be up soon...i just need to finish uploading the stills and put them on a page...

june 7th, 2002
found a Hugh Jackman Pic in the latest issue of Premire magazine. it's kinda small, but hey, who cares? It's a pic of Hugh at the oscars with Sting and Josh Hartnett. Wow...Hugh looks GOOD (as always). pick up an issue. magazine: Tom Cruise on cover. can't miss it. (tom looks purty).
hugh jackman tv alert: June 11th. CBS. 8:00pm. AFL Romance Movies Awards. WATCH IT!

may 31st, 2002

wow! nice stubble, eh? deb is so lucky...
sorry...havent updated in a long, long time...sorry 'bout that. school and all... you know...
hugh's gonna be at the tony's...AHHH!!! i wanna see!! *grins*

may 10th, 2002
sorry...put yesterday as today...
new layout! the pix are from january's issue of GQ...hope you like it
the Premire magazine Hugh article is up...click here or go to interviews.
another hugh article...japan today...click here

may 9th, 2002
hugh is in the June 2002 issue of Premire magazine. he is one of the 25 actors, directors, and producers who own the future of hollywood. pick it up at a bookstore or newsstand.

may 7th, 2002
people magazine thing:
** PASSAGES: Hugh Jackman Faces Himself
RECEIVED: Hugh Jackman, 33, named one of PEOPLE's "The 50 Most Beautiful People" in its latest issue, was personally presented his copy of the magazine Thursday by PEOPLE.com. Jackman had just completed taking a curtain call in a workshop production of the Broadway-bound musical "The Boy from Oz," about the late Australian singer-songwriter Peter Allen ("I Go to Rio"). Seeing himself in the magazine -- on page 89 -- Jackman smiled, blushed, then said, "Thanks, mate" . . . **
awwwww!!!! how cute!! *grins*
please sign the guestbook!!

may 4th, 2002
hey! thanks to everyone who visits this site...the hits have been going up recently! thank you to everyone who has come through this site. don't forget to sign the guest book!
X2's release date is supposeed to by May 3rd, 2002. we're starting the countdown!
new email address for this site: hughjackman@now.nu.

may 3rd, 2002
heyyy!! just to letcha know...Pride and Glory is still up for filming...was gonna stop, but the people decided against it...GOOD!

may 1st, 2002
happy may day! added interviews..and don't forget to sign the guest book!! thankz!

april 24th, 2002
just a reminder...hugh is gonna be on tv this saturday on Saturday Night Live [NBC @ 11:30pm]...set your VCRS or tivos...

april 23rd, 2002
new layout...found the frame pic at www.jackmanslanding.com...hope you like it...

april 21st, 2002
hey...the Kate and Leopold dvd cover is outtt! yeeesssss!

click on the pic for a bigger one...
what do you think? nice outfit for Leopold, eh? leather...very 1800's...
you can go to www.amazon.com and pre-order a copy of the dvd...

april 19th, 2002
check out this french kate and leopold site...click here..though it may be in french, there are some really good kate and leopold pics...

april 18th, 2002
added interviews section...
added fun and games section...

april 15th, 2002
TV ALERT!! Hugh is gonna be on Saturday Night Live! (it's a re-run, but still...) it's on Saturday, April 27th, 2002 at 11:30pm on NBC!

april 12th, 2002
hugh was nominated for one of hollywood's twelve hottest men by women.com...click here for more info
kate and leopold interview...empire magazine...click here

april 10th, 2002
go to www.jackmanslanding.com, enter, and scroll down to April 10th. click on the Jonathan Ross interview...it's sooo funny!
Hugh's coming to the US in June!! Carnegie Hall in Carousel!! i wanna see!!
sign guestbook...click here

april 9th, 2002
please sign the guest book...im desperate for feed back!!
added more hughlinks...

april 8th, 2002
GuESTBOOK!! click here!

april 7th, 2002
finally added pics!!!click here

april 6th, 2002
new layout!! took me a while...hope you like it.
hugh jackman artical - click here it's kinda funnie

april 4th, 2002
new section -- hugh's awards...click here

april 3rd, 2002
hugh is gonna be in the US [NYC] on stage [theater]. this summer. man... i wanna see...

april 1st, 2002
here's a "hugh Oscars quote" from People magazine - April 8th issue - click here
People.com also nomintated Hugh for Best Hair. he did have pretty good hair...

march 28th, 2002
welcome to hugie da---->cutie - a hugh jackman fansite.
just getting started here...
i am gonna put up some hugh pix soon...
check back for more updates...