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" I do have expensive tastes. I like the best. ... But I'll tell you something else, and I've felt this way all my life... I want to earn my own way. I like nice things, but I've never accepted anything that I haven't earned. That's how I feel about life. If you want the good things, you must earn them for yourself. "

" If I didn't have a large breast measurement, I'm sure people would talk about my small one. So what's the difference? I'm glad I have a large one... I don't mind at all when people stare at me. In fact, I love it. There isn't much point in trying to be glamorous if nobody will appreciate it. "

" Injunction - are you kidding? Send out more pictures. There must be someone, somewhere who doesn't have one. "
- Jayne Mansfield, when asked if she wanted to get an injunction for unauthorized distribution of her photos.

" The first step was to get all the men all stirred up. That's about completed. The next to get all the women stirred up. After that, I'll take a crack at the intellectuals. "

" I think being into yourself is wonderful, because then you can give so much of yourself to other people. One of my goals is to someday have my own billboard. People would see it and be a little happier. "

" Men are those creatures with two legs and eight hands. "

" Ever since I was a little girl, I was convinced I would be a star. I haven't got there yet, but I will. It's 80% determination and 20% talent. I'm the girl with the built-in drive. The real stars are not actors or actresses. They're personalities. The quality of making everyone stop in their tracks is what I work at. "

" I'm capable of creating true art through my talent and natural artistry. But Hollywood only wants me to show off my bust. "

" I think reviews are terribly, terribly unfair, and I can explain that. Reviews are terrible because they hurt actors, and reviews are also terrible because trees have to die to make that paper. You see? "

" Publicity can be terrible. But only if you don't have any. "

" The longer I'm around a man, the more likely he is to try something funny. Like they always say, familiarity breeds attempt. "

" Mamie - what's her last name? It begins with V.D. ... I don't see her as a rival, no. Of course, she's blonde. So many are.
But - if you know what I mean - she does seem rather small for her size... "

" My job is to appeal to everybody. Men look for sex appeal, women for identification, and children for a fairy story figure. I hope to get across all three... "

" Nothing risque`, nothing gained! "

" I'm very ambitious and absolutely single-minded, and Jayne is Number One. What I want and have always wanted is to be a movie star, and if I couldn't have it done one way, I would've in another. Stars don't usually talk like that, do they? Well, I do."

" Stars were made to suffer, and I am a star."