Firedhelien by Princess Melody
Chapter 6

I lay back down on the soft bed, staring up through the crystal ceiling and thinking. I was still partly in shock at the discoveries I’d made. The coincidence that Nuindacilion and I had the same dream was just too strange; perhaps there was some kind of hidden meaning there, something the dream was trying to tell me, but I had no idea what. I suppose it’ll all be clear to me when I see King Thranduil… I thought. But until then, I’d just have to sit, wait and wonder. For ages I just lay there, perfectly still, thinking.

There was a quiet knock on the door.
“Come in” I said
The door opened and Nuindacilion and Legolas entered, bringing with them another Elf I was not yet acquainted with. He was incredibly tall, and dressed in green woven robes that shimmered in the light. He carried a sceptre of oak, and wore a crown of leaves woven in his long golden hair. His eyes were like Legolas’s, a rich deep warm brown, but not lacking a shimmer of brilliant green. This could only be one person. Thranduil.

“Ah, Firedhelien. Ha to a gell an govad le. It is a joy to meet you. I am King Thranduil, Ruler of Mirkwood.”
“It is a joy to meet you too, My Lord.” I whispered as I bowed my head. “As I understand you have some things to tell me about my past, where I came from, and what I’m doing here.”
King Thranduil took a seat close to my bed, looked at me kindly and smiled. He took a deep breath.
“Many long years ago, the fairest princess since Luthien Tinuviel was born to Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrian, rulers of Imladris. Firedhelien Gilnathroniel, Melody Starweaver, they called her, the Elder sister of Arwen Evenstar. Her incredible beauty and charming personality lit up the hearts of all she knew, and she lived in peace and joy for many years, loved by all, until one day a band of Orcs overtook her as she was wandering at the Fords of Bruinen. She was alone and defenceless, an easy target for Orcs. She put up a brave fight, but there were too many of them…” A shining tear rolled down Thranduil’s face. His voice wavered. “They knocked her unconscious and threw her into the River. Nothing was ever seen of her again. Her body was never found.

Elvenkind deeply grieved the loss of Firedhelien for countless years until one night. The Lady Galadriel was peering into her Mirror and in the shining waters she saw an Elven girl asleep in the forest. Galadriel recognized the girl immediately. She sent word for Elrond, Cìrdan of the Grey Havens and Myself to come to Lothlòrien immediately, for wonderful news was awaiting us there. I will never forget the incredible joy that I felt when Galadriel told us she had foreseen the return of Princess Firedhelien to Middle Earth.

With the aid of an enchanted clasp, she was brought back to us. That was when Nuindacilion, my son, found her asleep in the Forest of Galadriel’s vision. He brought her back here to Mirkwood where she is currently residing.”

I gasped. As if on cue a flood of memories came flying into my head. Memories of countless years and ages ago, of emerald valleys and sparkling water, of palaces and incredible happiness, happiness like nothing my tortured years in the other forsaken earth had ever offered me. I could feel that happiness rising in me again, bubbling up like an underground spring. I finally knew who I really was, an Elven Princess.

On impulse I bounced up and onto my feet, not feeling the overwhelming dizziness I had felt before. With a cry of “Thank you so much My Lord!” I threw my arms around Thranduil’s neck and hugged him. He smiled tenderly and Legolas and Nuindacilion looked shocked at my impulsive actions.
“I see your long absence has not affected your charming ways, Firedhelien. I remember you used to greet me with exactly that same embrace every time I arrived in Imladris.”

Nuindacilion looked at his father with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Often Legolas and I have visited there, but never once did we set eyes on Firedhelien ere five days ago. Why is that?” he asked
“Firedhelien here was considered of such great beauty,” Thranduil replied “that it was said two of even the strongest willed men in the one room could not resist her looks and would turn against in each other and fight, possibly to the death, for her affections. This of course was never proven, but Lord Elrond just wanted to make sure it never happened, so he kept her locked in her own private quarters whenever youthful male Elves from visiting realms were abroad in Imladris.”
I laughed hard at the absurdity of that story.
“So that’s why I was locked in my room so often!” I exclaimed

For countless hours we talked. The day wore away and the night rolled over the world like a silken blanket. Thranduil stood up.
“Now, dear Starweaver,” He said with a kindly smile and a glint in his green-brown eyes. “I know that the time is probably too premature, but we are hosting a great feast and celebration in honour of your return to us. It is to be held tomorrow eve. Many Elves of great importance have travelled long miles to attend. Now, in light of your condition, you need only to stay as little time as you want, and return to your quarters whenever you feel the desire to do so. Myself and my sons will be there, so I suppose you will not feel so out of place in our halls.”

I smiled at the king’s concern.
“The halls of Mirkwood feel like home to me already, my Lord.” I said “But thank you nonetheless for your kindness. I assure you I will be attending the festivities with the utmost vigour and energy, as I can feel my strength and energy almost fully returned. As the old cliché goes, ‘I will be there with bells on’.”

Legolas and Nuindacilion laughed heartily, and Thranduil chuckled.
“Now we best leave you here to get some rest, for tomorrow will be a vigorous day.”
I stood up and hugged all of them
“Maerdaw*, Firedhelien.“ Legolas said
To which Thranduil added,
“Îdh eithel, Gilnathroniel, a lothron Elbereth tir or le. Rest well, Starweaver, and may Elbereth watch over you.”
And with that Legolas and King Thranduil departed.

Continue to chapter 7