Firedhelien by Princess Melody
Chapter 2

Nuindacilion hung behind, and when they had disappeared, he sat beside me on the bed.
“Didn’t your father tell you to leave the princess to get her beauty sleep?” I said teasingly, lightly flicking his shoulder.
Nuindacilion tried to look serious, but he failed utterly.
“My father does not know that good company is ten fold times better than numerous lifetimes of rest. And besides, if the meaning of ‘beauty sleep’ is needing to sleep to enhance your looks, then it is completely lost on you. Your radiance cannot be dampened by fatigue, my lady, which is more than is to be said about some of the So Called Maidens who occupy this palace, who may be considered beautiful, even to Elvenkind, ”
He grimaced, and his eyes darkened “But the majority of them have the likeable quality and personalities of a band of hungry Orcs.”

“Well I’m sure they think the same of you, your Highness.” I giggled.

“I just wish they did.” He replied, smiling wistfully. “But unfortunately the hard truth is, they absolutely love me. I apologize most profusely for sounding conceited, but they do. Wherever I go I am followed by hoards of girls, all vying for my affections and fighting amongst themselves for me like I am some kind of prize just begging to be won.” I nodded sympathetically.
“I can understand how you feel Nuindacilion. I really do, even though I have never found myself in that situation before,” I said, my voice quavering “ I know what it’s like to be just an object of scrutiny rather than something that’s considered to have actual feelings.”

Painful memories flew across my mind and once again I was back at school, beaten, abused, and tortured by those who were meant to be my friends. I could feel the incessant pounding of patent leather shoes against my sides and the sickening bite of knuckles across my face. I heard the screaming female voices hurling insults and abuse at me. I envisioned the filthy, dank girl’s toilets where they would take me and smash me against the walls until I finally fought back. I remembered looking towards the doorway and seeing teachers standing there, cheering on the girls that abused me. No one cared. No one had ever cared.

Nuindacilion’s voice penetrated my mind, snapping me back into the present time.
“Your wrists!” He gasped, “They’re bleeding!”

I looked down, and was shocked to see torrents of blood slithering from the newly opened wounds on my wrists, staining my clothes. I nearly screamed. They were just scars before, marks that I inflicted on myself when I felt I just couldn’t take life anymore. They had somehow opened again. I sobbed and gasped, rocking back and forth with tears streaming down my face. The pain from them was almost too much for me to bear. I felt like I was going to faint again. Nuindacilion looked on in horror. I took a short glimpse in his eyes, they were glazed and dull, almost like he could feel the pain I felt. He extended his hand and with a soft and gentle movement ran his index finger along the cuts on my wrists. The pain immediately melted away and the blood disappeared, and once again the wounds became merely scars. Nuindacilion had healed me. The pain had gone from his eyes and they had returned to their normal brilliant green.

I stared at him in utter astonishment, still trying to believe what just happened. Nuindacilion stared back, looking as astonished as I did. Then he smiled.
“I…did not know I could do that.” He said softly, staring at his hands. He looked back up at me. His eyes searched mine, looking for something…searching my thoughts for the source of my pain.
“Your memories, Firedhelien. They made this happen. They made you bleed. I cannot see them, or know what happened to you, but that I know. A black shadow plagues your mind. I felt it there. You suffered immense torture. What did they do to you Firedhelien?”

“I do not want to discuss it.” I whispered. Nuindacilion sighed. “Very well. I understand. But remember, I am here for you.”

“I am not a damsel in distress, you know Nuindacilion.” I half joked, forcing a smile. “I can take it.”

“I am sure you can, but I still want to help you.” His face was serious. I knew He meant what he said; he really did want to help me. My heart took a giant leap skywards and I realized Nuindacilion genuinely cared for me. For the first time in a long while I had someone I could trust, someone who would not forsake me, like so many others before.

A final tear slid down my cheek, and I laughed. I felt so much better knowing Nuindacilion was there for me. “I appreciate that more than can be put into words, I really do. But I’ll be fine, I insist.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. I said so didn’t I?”

“Indeed you did. And I believe you. But still, I will stay with you tonight and see that no harm comes to you, and that your wounds do not open again.”

“As you wish, Your Highness.” I said with mock solemnity “ ‘good company is ten fold times better than numerous lifetimes of rest’.” Nuindacilion grinned and his eyes lit up. “Precisely.”

NB: chapters 7 and 8 are rather irrelevant. But please, bear with it, as all will be revealed eventually…Dun dun duuuunnnnnnnnnn –Looks all spooky and mysterious- Just thought I’d tell you all that, in case you thought that, as Firedhelien did, I had “Lost my powers of logical thinking.” Thanks for reading, and feel free to email me with comments –HINT HINT- at Lots of loads of love and Namarie for now -Princess Melody-

Think you can handle it? Continue to chapter 8