R E V E L A T I O N (1998)
STARRING: Jeff Fahey (Thorold Stone), Nick Mancuso (Franco Macalousso), Tony Nappo (Willie
Spino), Leigh Lewis (Helen Hannah), David Roddis (Len Parker)
DIRECTOR: Andre van Heerden
SYNOPSIS: Franco Macalousso's (Mancuso) One Nation Earth has a plan called the "Day of
Wonders" and O. N. E. agent Thorold Stone (Fahey) has a disc that explains what it is.
Trouble is, the disc is encrypted. Teaming up with programmer Willie Spino (Nappo) and the
Christian "Haters" Macalousso is intent on destroying, Thorold must decipher and stop the
"Day of Wonders" before it's too late, and before he loses his own soul, as well.
"Creepy glowing Satan eyes? Where? Where?"
REVIEW: Better writing, better production values and better acting make Revelation
a much more watchable movie. Almost worthwhile. The preachiness has been toned down
to a more tolerable level and the new, improved Macalousso is a far more threatening
Antichrist. Still, there are problems.
One, it seems that all the minority characters bite the dust first. What makes them such
appetizing targets? Two, Len Parker (our buddy Roddis) is still Canadian, but now he's also a
cross-burning Druid (or a cross-burning Sith Lord, I'm not sure which). Three, somebody
either needs to stop watching daytime soap operas, or stop listening to the person watching
soap operas, because they keep coming up with names like Bronson Pearl and Thorold Stone.
Four, the bad guys are quite obviously Matrix-style Agent Smith rip-offs, and five, they aren't even effective. Logic would seem to dictate that if you are trying to shoot
someone dead, then you should take a few seconds after shooting them to MAKE SURE THEY'RE
ACTUALLY DEAD. And six, the whole end-times premise this movie is based on is being presented
as Biblical truth. Despite what Helen Hannah says, the prophecies in the book
of Revelation are anything but clear, and are wide open to interpretation. Nobody can say for
sure what is going to happen, and to present any interpretation as fact is going to mislead
people. And finally, just how did Helen Hannah escape from the lynch mob in the end of
FAVORITE LINE: Willie Spino, in response to Helen's disapproval of his smoking--"Any wimp
can quit smoking. It takes a real man to deal with lung cancer."