CRINGE FACTOR: 4, mostly because I KNOW these guys could have done better.
STARRING: Gary Busey (Tom Canboro), Howie Mandel (Jason Quincy), Nick Mancuso (Franco
Macalousso), Margot Kidder (Eileen Canboro)
DIRECTOR: Andre van Heerden
SYNOPSIS: Tom Canboro (Busey) doesn't have much tolerance for the Biblical rantings of his
Christian sister, Eileen (Lois Lane), nor the ravings of his wife's unstable brother Jason
(Mandel) about Franco Macalousso's plans for world unity. Then he's in a car accident that
plunges him into a coma. He awakens to a world gone mad: millions (including Eileen) missing
and forgotten, and those that remain forced to put on the VR goggles of One Nation Earth, to
either come out with a number burned onto your hand, or not come out at all. Now on the run
from O. N. E., Tom is on a desperate search for his wife, and the truth!
Helen Hannah and her captors share a lighthearted moment before her execution.
REVIEW: This movie made me want to cry. It was made by all the same people as
Revelation, with more money at their disposal, so WHY ISN'T IT GOOD? WHY?? This
movie is bafflingly bad. Nick Mancuso, everybody's favorite Antichrist, has devovled into a
cheesy, crazy-eyed cartoon villian who is almost as irritating as Margot Kidder's Eileen. This
woman is the epitome of over-eager, ignorant Bible-thumping, and were she my only exposure to
Christianity, I might end up left behind, too. Her witnessing tactic must be "love 'em into
Heaven, or hound 'em out of hell." The story elements are just plain goofy. The antichrist
imbues his minions with telekinetic powers that they all know they have, but never use when it
would be smart to, and Tom never thinks of finding a black Magic marker and putting 666 on his
hand, the obvious solution when everybody around him keeps asking to see his mark. And
wouldn't Helen's Haters serve better by not drawing attention to themselves by hacking
into satellites? They're trying to get people saved, which is hard enough when everybody's
brainwashed, but darn near impossible when all they do is interrupt the Antichrist's broadcasts
and get themselves tracked down and executed. There is one high point to this movie, though:
no Len Parker!
FAVORITE SCENE: In the hospital corridor, Tom samples the coffee. You will not find many
spittakes as unexpectedly amusing as this one.