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Disc 12
Brain Scratch / Hard Luck Woman


Brain Scratch:
While Spike is flipping through the TV channels, he comes across a religious organization / cult called Scratch, which believes in renouncing the physical body and existing in cyberspace. The group is led by Dr. Londes, who has quite a bounty on him for leading his followers into mass suicide. Faye has already joined the group to try and find Londes. So, Spike and Jet search high and low for Londes, but find nothing. So, they find another way to join Scratch, through a virtual reality video game console called Brain Dream. Later, Spike goes down to Scratch to find Faye, while Jet and Ed stay at the Bebop to hack into Brain Dream and find Londes. Jet tries out the Brain Dream and is nearly hypnotized into falling in the cult, until Ein saves him with a bite to the leg. So, they put the Brain Dream on Ein and try hacking into Scratch again. Ed succeeds, and hacks away. They find that Londes doesn't exist and all of his records were counterfit. They track down the location, to the Alles Valley Hospice. Jet and Ed masquerade as father and daughter to get into the Hospice and find the exact location of Londes. Meanwhile, Spike finds Faye, and finds himself face to face with Londes. Londes challenges him on his beliefs, and on the true evils of television. Jet and Ed find that Londes is a dream from the mind of a little boy in a coma. But Spike is about to fall under the hypnotic spell of Londes, as so many bounty hunters have done before, when Ed disconnects the boy from his computer. Faye wakes up to find herself next to Spike, and the wacky cult fiasco is done.

Hard Luck Woman:
Late one night, Faye is studying the video from her youth that she found one day, and sees a waterfall from her youth. Ed finds Faye watching it, and says she knows where the waterfall is. So, Faye sets the Bebop's path to Earth instead of Mars. The next morning, Jet is pissed that the path was set off, until Spike tells him that the girls are gone. Ed leads Faye back to the orphanage that she once lived in, when Sister Clara, the head nun, gives Ed a holographic picture of her father. Faye, wandering around the earth, finds an old old lady who was part of her graduating class. She tells Faye about the accident that got her cryogenically frozen for so many years. Faye goes back to the Bebop. Later, while she's in the shower, Faye finally remembers her past. So she decides to leave the Bebop for good. Meanwhile, Spike and Jet track down their latest 50 million bounty, who just happens to be Ed's father, Applederry. After Applederry gives Spike a major beat-down, Ed reunites with her long-lost father. Jet figures out that Ed put fake data into the computer just so they'd track down her father, and the bounty was actually only 50 woolongs. Eventually, Ed decides to leave the Bebop as well, and take Ein with her. And Spike and Jet are alone, just how it started.