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Disc 11
Boogie-Woogie Feng Shu / Cowboy Funk


Boogie-Woogie Feng Shu:
Jet gets a note from Pao, an old friend of his, and goes off to track him down. He instead finds Pao's tombstone. While he's there, he finds a young girl who helps him dodge some mobster suits. After they succesfully live, they both go back to the Bebop. Faye and Spike thinks they have a thing for eachother, but actually the girl is Meifa, Pao's daughter. When they discuss how Pao was presumed dead after a gate fluctuation and how Meifa hasn't seen Pao for so long. Then, Jet shows her the note from Pao, which would suggest that he was alive. From the note, Meifa figures that they have to find the sun stone. So, they go off and they find the sun stone, when they again get attacked by some mobsters. Jet catches them, and asks what they want. They say they are looking for Pao, and tracked him down to the note to Jet. So, Pao is still alive. They put the sun stone in Meifa's luo-pan, and use it as a compass to track down exactly where Pao disappeared. They fly through space, which of course results in a deep-space shootout with some bad guys, until they shoot the sun stone into outer space. Spike blasts it, and opens the space where Pao disappeared. Meifa asks why Pao never came to find her, and finally gives closure on their lives and the father and daughter's relationship.

Cowboy Funk:
The Teddy Bomber is trying to blow up a skyscraper when Spike finds out. Spike fights with him and just as the Teddy Bomber gets a chance to blow up the building Andy the Cowboy saves Spike. Later they all go to a mask party, but it's really a trap for the Teddy Bomber. They screw up and then they all see Cowboy Andy. At the end, there is a showdown between Spike and Andy. Spike wins and all is well... for now...