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Disc 03
The World Of The Demon God / The World Of Thunder


The World Of The Demon God:
Hearing the news that Jinnai is after the legendary demon god, the priestesses, accompanied by Makoto, Alielle, Fujisawa and Nanami, set out to travel to the Forbidden Island, the holding place of the demon. However, when they arrive, they discover that Jinnai has been tailing them since they left and the whole thing was a giant ploy to show the Bugrom the way to he island. Infuriated, Afura and Miz start to kick up a storm and beat the living day lights out of the Bugrom Marine Corp., while Shayla-Shayla and the others venture into the labyrinth of the island.
After walking around the maze a few times, Jinnai is fed up. As he is displaying his distaste, Shayla suddenly corners him. Just as everything seems to be going the way of the Alliance again, Jinnai and his Bugrom pals seem to disappear into thin air, and are replaced by a very large amount of water. After they learn this is just an illusion, Nahato, of the Phantom Tribe, steps forward. Shayla, angry that she was deceived, charges at Nahato and accidentally causes quakes in the ground. The quakes make the floor give way and Makoto plummets down into a secret El-Hazard underground chamber.
Exploring this cavern a bit further, Makoto learns that this is place where Ifurita has been set to rest for all these years. What is more alarming is that Ifurita looks exactly like the girl who sent him to El-Hazard in the first place! Just as Makoto is about to ask her about who she is, Jinnai finally catches up with Makoto and sets to work on Ifurita himself. After a few turns of her Power Key Staff, Ifurita awakens and notices Jinnai as her master. After Makoto asks a few questions, she protests that she's never seen the student before in her life. Jinnai then orders Ifurita to kill Makoto.
Shayla, Nanami, Fujisawa and Alielle arrive just in time and a fierce battles commence between the demon and the fire priestess leading to Shayla's ultimate downfall. Ifurita gets ready to blow away Shayla, but impulsively, Makoto launches himself onto the demon god. They both experience a strange vision, showing the damage that Ifurita did in the great wars, all those years ago. Both come out of the trance disorientated, but Ifurita quickly attacks Makoto in a fit of rage.
Fortunately, Fujisawa had recovered from his alcoholic stupor and was at hand to rescue Makoto, Alielle, Shayla and Nanami and quickly take them out into the open. As Jinnai celebrates the effectiveness of his latest weapon, Ifurita launches herself into the sky; destroying many towns and villages to test her power...

The World Of Thunder:
We see a large alliance city bustling with activity. Overhead, Ifurita flies in. The people look up in amazement at the odd sight. It is the last thing they see as Ifurita unleashes several large blasts that annihilate everything in large domes of fiery death.
Back at the Bugrom death-mushroom, the Bugrom forces celebrate with interpretive dance and festive conga music. Later, in a much more private celebration, Diva praises Jinnai's victory and is amazed at how well he controls the legendary demon god. Jinnai takes the praise all in stride, enjoying the ego-stroking as much as the wine he has consumed.
As for Ifurita, we see her, sitting alone on top of the Bugrom base. She looks up at the sky and stares at the Eye of God. She comments to herself that the last time she saw it, the Eye was still being constructed. She is then assaulted with the memories of Makoto. She wonders how he knows her and is still unsure what he did to her.
Meanwhile, back in Roshtaria, the mood is less than jubilant. Ifurita's attacks have weakened the Alliance's forces and the next attack by the Bugrom will surely defeat them if they choose to attack. Galus feeds these fears, and recommends that the Alliance unseal the Eye of God, but he cannot recommend such action himself because of his relationship with the princess, it may be seen as a conflict of interests. The other leaders take the bait and proclaim that they will demand the Eye's unsealing.
Meanwhile, we see Fujisawa being locked in the dungeon once again. However, this time it is not for any crime, but rather at the behest of everyone, so he will not drink. Miz apologizes for the treatment but reasserts that it is the only way. Fujisawa is rather insulted by everyone's assertion that he cannot control his drinking himself. Miz tries to comfort him by promising him that at their wedding he can drink all he wants. This does little to comfort him.
Out in the palace gardens, Makoto sits, clad in another Fatora disguise. He seems lost in thought. Meanwhile, in the garden, Nanami, Afura and Dr. Schtalubaugh discuss the resurrection of Ifurita and how she could possibly be responsible for sending Makoto and the others to El-Hazard if she was sealed on the forbidden island. Afura seems more concerned with the recent actions of the Phantom Tribe and why they have involved themselves in the business of the Alliance and the Bugrom.
Meanwhile, Nanami notices that a certain red haired priestess is skulking around the garden and walking up to Makoto. Shayla walks up to Makoto, trying to play nonchalant, but failing miserably and thanks him for saving her from Ifurita. Makoto accepts the gratitude, but tells her not to dwell on it too much, as he is sure she would've done the same.
Nanami decides this is a time to intervene, not liking the subtle signals that Shayla is sending. She grabs Makoto's arm and tells him that they are late for class. When Makoto questions this rather ludicrous statement, Nanami explains that since Fujisawa is there, there is no reason why they should let their studies suffer.
Shayla doesn't take kindly to the interruption. She demands to know what the hell Nanami is talking about. Soon accusations begin to fly about, from Nanami's relationship with Makoto to Shayla's sexual preferences. Makoto tries to intervene and stop the two women from bickering, but they tell him in so many words to stay out of the fight and proceed to shove him face first into a rather large statue.
Imagine everyone's surprise when the statue starts to move and walk as soon as Makoto touches it. Shedding the years of moss and plants, the statue appears to actually be a large robot and manages to walk a few feet before coming to a rest again.
Dr. Schtalubaugh takes Makoto to his lab and starts an experiment. He asks Makoto to touch an ancient device, much like the statue. Makoto touches it and the veins in his hand begin to glow. This startles Makoto and he loses his concentration. Schtalubaugh instructs Makoto to try again and to concentrate. Makoto tries again and after a moment, he activates the device.
Schtalubaugh is curious but not surprised. He understands now. It appears that Makoto did, in fact, gain a special ability when he crossed dimensions into El-Hazard. It appears that he has an ability to mentally access and activate the ancient technology of the long dead El-Hazard civilization. Schtalubaugh also theorizes that it is also the reason why Makoto had those visions when he touched Ifurita. He was accessing her memories because she too is a construct of that civilization.
Speaking of scientific exploration, looks like the Phantom Tribe have been busy with their own experiments. Galus and Nahato demand to know what the Phantom scientist have learned. They have discovered that the secret to controlling the Eye of God lies in the gene pattern of the female members of the royal family. However, two women are needed to control it. However, the scientists feel they can move around this obstacle by doubling Fatora's energy. However, they need more time in order to make the Eye work perfectly.
A sober Fujisawa is a hard thing to contain and he smashes through his cell with little trouble. However, he is a little surprised to find Shayla waiting for him. She then holds up a jug of sake and a few moments later, the pair of in the middle of their own drinking contest. Shayla takes advantage of this opportunity to learn more about Makoto and 'that bitch' Nanami.
Fujisawa doesn't quite catch on to the purpose of these questions and says the pair should get along as they are both young women. Then something else crossed his mind. He asks her how old Shayla is and she answers that she is 19. Fujisawa blows a gasket and screams that minors shouldn't drink, which confuses Shayla even more. Alielle runs into the scene and latches onto Shayla proclaiming she was looking all over for her and had something important to tell her. However, Alielle decides to get some much overdo groping in first. Finally, Fujisawa has enough of the foolishness and demands to know what is so important.
It appears that Rune Venus has gathered everyone so that the priestesses may unseal the Eye of God. In a special ceremony, the three priestesses ascend up a large tower, called the Stairway to the Sky. From there, the three begin to channel their energy into unlocking the Eye of God so it can be used again. While this happens, black cloud roll in and a storm erupts. Finally, physically drained, the priestesses proclaim that it has been done. Whenever the Alliance so wishes, they can use the Eye of God.
Meanwhile, the party continues at the Bugrom homeland as Diva awards Jinnai with the Bugrom Kinkan Cross Medal which appoints him as the main general of the army and chief commander of the Roshtarian invasion force. Jinnai proclaims that the final victory will be theirs, much to the delight of the giant insects.
Elsewhere we see Ifurita flying toward Floristica. She is unsure why she feels compelled to go there. In a brief flashback we see that Ifurita is prepared to leave before Jinnai gives the 'order' for her to attack. Jinnai simply assumes that Ifurita anticipated his commands like a good soldier would.
In Roshtaria, they finally find a reason to party themselves. After all, why not? They can now access the ultimate weapon! Let those dumb bugs come if they dare!
As the feasting continues, Nanami asks Londs who the lavender haired man talking to Rune Venus is. He replies that he is prince Galus, her fiancé. Nanami swoons and proclaims that it is so sweet to see a romance between the Alliance and Phantom Tribe. The room suddenly goes quiet. Surely Nanami must be joking. Nanami, not understanding the consequence of her statement says that his skin is blue.
Galus, finally understands how Kiriya was defeated and reveals his true form. He then reveals Makoto's deception, which causes even more panic in the room since now the Eye of God is useless to them. Before the Priestesses can stop him, Galus and Nahato flee in a flash of illusionary light.
Nanami's statement certainly killed this party, and the Alliance leaders ponder how they can possibly survive this latest blow. Speaking of blows, the palace is suddenly rocked with a powerful blast.
On the other side of the palace, Ifurita walks the Palace halls, undeterred by the guards, whom she quickly disposes. As a fire burns through the palace, Ifurita encounters Makoto again. She demands to know how he knows her. He ponders this question and tells her that he saw her innermost heart. She shakes her head angrily and points her staff at him. She proclaims that she has no heart.