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Disc 04
The World Of Gleaming Light


The World Of Gleaming Light:
We begin this episode right where we last left our hero. Makoto has come face to face with Ifurita, who demands to know how he has access to her memories. Makoto tells her that he saw her heart, her innermost feelings. Ifurita disagrees and the pair briefly argue over whether Ifurita has a soul or not. Ifurita decides to end the discussion by killing Makoto and proceeds to point her staff at him again.
However, Shayla and the other priestesses arrive on the scene and proclaim that they will end Ifurita's reign of terror. Shayla especially seems eager for the fight, since she wants to erase her previous defeat at the hands of the demon god.
Ifurita, who is less than amused at the interruption, prepares for the fight. She begins by mimicking Shayla's own technique again. If the first part seems familiar, the next part will too because Ifurita quickly makes short work of Shayla and knocks her from the fight with little difficulty. Miz tries her hand at defeating the demon god, but is also defeated without much effort. Even Afura is defeated without much of a fight, but not before teaching Ifurita a new technique to add her own arsenal, which she uses against the creator, Afura.
All three priestesses lay about helpless. Shayla tries to valiantly spark another attack but sparks are all she can manage. She curses her miserable luck in that the ritual to unseal the Eye had drained her power earlier and thus she didn't have nearly enough to fight Ifurita.
Ifurita looks at her prone opponents and proceeds to finish the job. She points her staff at Shayla. Makoto steps in between the two warriors and demands Ifurita stop. Ifurita proceeds to continue, but Makoto tackles her and wraps her arms around her, thus activating his special power.
In a blinding flash, the pair exchange memories. Makoto watches the horrors of an ancient war, and Ifurita watches the horror that is a Japanese high school. Finally, the pair come together inside Ifurita's mind. The pair stand over the ruins of a city Ifurita has destroyed. Makoto asks if these memories are the only ones she has. Ifurita states sadly that they are and her fate is she must fight and only obey the controller of the Key Staff. A moment later, the trance is broken and before Makoto can continue the discussion, Ifurita flies away into the night, leaving everyone else confused as to why she stopped her attack.
Meanwhile Jinnai has arrived at his new base. A large hive constructed on near the ruins of a conquered nation. A giant Bugrom flyer flies past a statue of the Bugrom's charismatic leader and lands in the hive. Jinnai exits and inspects his new base of operations / pad. Needless to say, he is quite happy with his new digs and with himself in general. More laughing and merriment ensue.
Elsewhere, its time for more science fun with the Phantom Tribe. However, things are not going quite as well as they had hoped as the scientist need more time to understand how to control the Eye through Fatora. However, Galus seems confident and asks Nahato if he had implanted the special circuit in the launch device. Nahato confirms that he has and Galus announces that he will wipe out both the Alliance and the Bugrom. However, if they should fail, he asks Nahato to not hesitate and to activate the special circuit. This is followed by more creepy moments and 'bad touches.'
Back to Roshtaria, Schtalubaugh and Londs discuss Galus' deception, pretty much ignoring the fact that Rune is in the room, looking all despondent.
Elsewhere, in a more private chamber, Fujisawa sits at Miz's bedside, snoring softly after a lengthy bedside vigil. Miz awakens to see her hero watching over her and fakes a groan to awaken him. As he does, she turns away from him, 'weeping' over her weakness. Fujisawa tries to comfort the 'despondent' priestess, but ends up being duped into agreeing to marry her.
Elsewhere Alielle is on the hunt for red haired girls. She jumps on top of the injured Afura demanding to know where Shayla and Nanami are. Afura can only manage weakened gestures indicating she has no idea. Alielle mercifully leaves Afura be and continues her journey.
Elsewhere Nanami and Shayla stalk Makoto, who is finally dressed in something that sort resembles masculine. Nanami and Shayla worry about what is going on between him and Ifurita, while each simultaneous trying to deny their own feelings for him. They finally agree to ask him together ands proceed to slink up to him. A moment later, ignorant to their approach, he wistfully says "Ifurita." Shayla runs off screaming and Nanami appears ready to pummel Makoto demanding to know what is going on between him and the Demon God.
Shayla finds solace in a bottle and with her drinking partner, Fujisawa. She downs sake like water, which annoys Fujisawa who went to a great effort to steal... er... borrow the wine from the kitchen. He then tells her that drowning her sorrows won't help and besides she is underage. Shayla responds that a priestess with a broken heart can get as tore up as she damn well pleases and proceeds to call Makoto and insensitive jerk for not understanding her feelings. Fujisawa contemplates the situation and proceeds to chug sake straight from the bottle.
Meanwhile back at Jinnai's pad, He's busy giving Ifurita a bit of the old staff. Jinnai wonders why she even needs recharging if one winding is supposed to last something like 10 years. Ifurita snaps back that she uses more energy fighting his battles and the least he could do is wind her up. She appears dizzy for a moment then takes her staff and stalks off. Jinnai comments that they just don't make user-friendly demon gods anymore.
As Ifurita walks the halls of the base, she tries to hide her own tired weakness from the other Bugrom. However, once she is alone, she laments her own existence and wishes for an end to her miserable life.
The battle is now in full gear. Bugrom soldiers march over El-Hazard easily defeating what little opposition they face. Both sides watch the battles' progress from their respective war rooms. Jinnai watches in delight, like he was winning at Risk. The Alliance watches in horror as one country falls after another. Makoto cannot believe Jinnai could be so evil and Fujisawa blames himself for allowing Jinnai to become a juvenile delinquent. Nanami reassures Fujisawa that it wasn't his fault as Jinnai was always a total prick.
Good news seems to be in very short supply, so it doesn't come to anyone's surprise that Londs runs in with none. He announces that the Phantom Tribe have taken over the Stairway to the Sky. Schtalubaugh realizes now that the Phantom Tribe have kidnapped Fatora in order to use her to launch the Eye of God. Indeed, Galus has played both the Bugrom and the Alliance like pawns in a devious chess match and it appears to be checkmate for both sides.
Atop the Stairway to the Sky, Phantom Tribe scientists set up Fatora and the strange device she is attached to. As the device doubles and drains her energy, Fatora screams out in pain. Suddenly, the Eye of God comes to life and prepares to bring about total annihilation. As Galus laughs maniacally, Rune quotes the holy prophecy and proclaims that the long awaited apocalypse is finally here.