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Disc 11
Reaction Of Fortune / The Black-Winged Angel


Reaction Of Fortune:
One of the cat-girls uses the liquid metal tentacles of her teiring to grab Hitomi, who yells in pain. Van runs forward to rescue her, but is knocked back. One of the cat-girls says in satisfaction that Folken will be pleased. The airship, above, drifts so that the sun is revealed. Immediately the cat-girls stagger and Hitomi is dropped, to be caught by Allen. Folken says that he is sorry.
Narya crashes while trying to regain Folken's airship.
Hitomi says that the devastation is her fault. Dryden says that it isn't.
Erya gets back to Folken's airship. Meanwhile Narya drags herself out of a canal.
Van speaks angrily about his brother.
Hitomi tends the wounded. She drops a pile of dishes and loses one of her shoes, and is grabbed by Narya. Hitomi is taken by boat to the outskirts of the city, while an alarm is raised. On the boat, Hitomi learns Narya & Erya's history. Hitomi is taken into the woods, by night, on a cart. She tries to talk Narya out of aiding the Zaibach cause. When the cart crashes, instead of escaping, Hitomi bandages up Narya's arm. Hitomi has become convinced that Narya isn't all bad. Narya just says that she won't kill Hitomi but will take her to Folken.
Van flies around on Escaflowne, wondering where Hitomi is. He is attacked by Erya's teiring and goes into a dive, but is able to detect where the airship is. He attacks it, shouting for Hitomi, and causes some damage so that the smoking airship becomes visible and sinks.
Now in a boat by the coast, Hitomi argues with Narya till Narya hits her, telling her to shut up. Erya lands in her teiring as Van attacks the airship. Narya pushes Hitomi back, and enters the teiring alone. It takes off. Hitomi is sighted by Allen in the Crusade.
As the brothers confront each other, the teiring returns and knocks Van down. Narya argues with Folken, the airship goes down in flames, and Van crash-lands with Escaflowne. A teiring separates from the sinking and flies off; Van wonders if his brother is in it.

The Black-Winged Angel:
Folken is seen with his cat-girls. One says that what happened was good fortune. Folken says that it was his feeling.
There is an acrimonious conference in the Astorian capital. Hitomi asks Allen how it went. Various nobles go by giving her dirty looks. Van is in a bad mood, and goes off saying that he is the King of Fanelia. Hitomi remarks that it's his brother.
Allen comforts Hitomi; she asks him not to say anything. While she sits alone in her room, her pendant glows and she wonders who is calling. Wolf-calls are heard.
A messenger from Folken asks Van to come and meet him. Van has a flashback to his childhood.
Van and Hitomi are discovered to be missing. Everyone runs around looking for them, till the Mole-man crawls out from under Millerna's coach and says that he saw Hitomi and Van together last night.
Van and Hitomi are flying on Escaflowne.
In a garden, a girl watches a snail, watched in turn by Zaibach soldiers. A dog-man approaches and grasps her hands, telling her to leave it.
Folken waits in the ruins of Fanelia. His beast-man companion says that somebody is coming. When Hitomi gets down, the beast-man remarks on her being with Van. Van is furious with his brother, and, on learning that Folken is now alone, threatens him with his sword and abuses him. Hitomi protests.
Abruptly, two dragons appear. Seemingly they are attracted by heated emotions.
There is a flashback, showing how Folken lost his arm to a dragon, and was then fixed up by the Zaibach. He reacted with horror on seeing his artifical arm but agreed to serve Domkirk.
Van tells Hitomi to run, but on ascending some steps she is confronted by a second dragon. Folken grabs her, pulls her into the ruins of a building, and gags her with his hand, whispering to her to be quiet.
Hitomi argues with Folken. It seems that Narya is dead as well as all the other calamities. This is interrupted by the pair of dragons menacing Van. Folken flies down and tells his brother to drop the sword. The dragons withdraw.
A flashback to the brothers' childhood.
Folken offers his hand to Van, remarking that they are kings.