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Disc 05
Epitaph / Compensation


This episode gives us a bit more information on the legendary Key of the Twilight, though like the entire series, we only know as much as the players. Apparently about a year ago, there was a post to the BBS about the Key of the Twilight. It was deleted almost immediately, so very few people actually saw the post, but rumors and websites sprang up about that post. Some believed it was a hoax. Kurim admits to BT that he was intrigued and set off on a quest to find it. He eventually gave up and concluded that such an item did not exist. Bear and Mimiru also discuss the possibilities of the Key of the Twilight, as something that may exist so something else may be born. They decide to ask Sora to talk to a hacker named Herubu to dig up more information. After all, over 20 million people play the game, someone must know something.
Tsukasa is traveling alone and a girl randomly asks him to take care of her pet Kuchigusa while she is away for three days. He reluctantly agrees. During this time, the Kuchigusa becomes very ill, with a disease called Kuchi-distempa. The owner of the farm where Tsukasa is keeping the Kuchigusa tells him that the antidote is a Purple Cherry. Tsukasa sets out through the cold, snowy field to find it. After some time, he finds a Purple Cherry and is able to take it back to the Kuchigusa. However, the Kuchigusa does not have the strength to eat the cherry and dies in front of Tsukasa, something he doesn’t take very well. When the Kuchigusa’s owner comes back, she is not happy.

Bear is in Carmina Gaderica talking to a strange man, who is asking Bear for 50,000. Tsukasa randomly shows up, and Bear talks to him about how he should have a goal. Everyone that plays should have a goal, whether that be becoming like Subaru or searching for treasure. Just wandering around the game seems meaningless.
Later, Mimiru meets up with Bear. Apparently she was supposed to meet Tsukasa earlier but couldn’t make it, which was why Bear saw him. Bear tells her about his conversation, and that he feels bad about lecturing Tsukasa. Mimiru thinks the three of them should form a party.
In other news, Mimiru heard from Sora’s hacker, Herubu. The email said something to the effect of “When the Eye of the Twilight awakens, the path that leads to my location will appear. Through me and my words, the power of the father will become the key that shall open everything.” There was also a hidden part that continued “Temperature, navel, water. There’s still more besides these.”
BT and Bear discuss their purpose in the game. BT does not understand Bear’s concern over Tsukasa. He explains that what you do in The World tends to be that which you cannot do in real life. BT interprets this as surrogate love. She is simply looking for Tsukasa for his link to the Key of the Twilight.
BT then meets with Kurim, and they discuss the nature of the God / Creator of the game, who has been known to reset the game on occasion. BT asks Kurim to meet her offline, but he refuses. She asks if it’s the same with Subaru…
Tension is building between Kinkan and Subaru. When Tsukasa asks Kinkan to see Subaru, he tells him to stay away. Heeding Kinkan’s advice, Tsukasa watches Subaru from a bridge. Subaru sees him and runs to him, but he has disappeared by the time she gets there. Bear is also having issues with Tsukasa. He doesn’t feel he has the confidence to face him anymore. Subaru explains that while God may have created meetings, man created separation, and that he shouldn’t face Tsukasa with apathy. This seems to give Bear more confidence, and later he meets with Tsukasa and they reminisce.