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Disc 02
Kendo Girl In Love? Swordplay / The Tokyo U Promise From 15 Years Ago: Diary


Episode 03; Kendo Girl In Love? Swordplay:
This episode introduces Aoyama Motoko. The first three minutes look like one of those very old samurai movies, with a Kenshin theme. As you've probably guessed, these three minutes show Motoko in her training. The three meet Motoko followed by her fanclub on a bridge. Haitani and Shirai start flirting with the girls. Result: Motoko beats them up with an umbrella. Haitani and Shirai got the hell out of there, but Keitaro stays to get another attack from Motoko.
You'd think he'd leave this mysterious kendo woman alone after having the luck of surviving two attacks, well no. He sees her at Hinatasou in a towel taking clothes out of the washing machine. Naturally, her first impression of Keitaro is: stalker. I'm not sure I even have to mention he's the victim yet another attack.
The next scene takes place at the dinner table, where Motoko explains her outrage: "Having a young man living under the same roof is nonsense!". This poses a problem because first of all the other girls, except for Naru kind of, don't mind his stay at all, and second of all he's already kanrinrin. When Motoko leaves, Naru explains Motoko's background: she's an amazing swordswoman, she's already a master at fifteen, she used to train in a dojo in the mountains of Kyoto that was built to fight evil demons eons ago. Nobody really knows whether to believe this story or not, but it still scared Keitaro.
Afraid for his life, Keitaro decides to apologize, so he goes on top of the roof where Motoko's cutting the falling leaves. He gets hit by two attacks.
When Motoko's walking down the street, she fears that the reason for her not feeling well is because Keitaro is her first love. She fears this because, as we see in her flashback, her big sister, also a kendo master, left her and the way of the sword for a man, a painful memory.
Keitaro discovers a hole connecting his and Naru's rooms. He sticks his head through the hole and sees Naru, who thinks he's peeping. Motoko thinks he made the hole, and gives him another slash with the sword. Motoko doesn't feel satisfied, so she wants revenge on Keitaro for playing with her emotions. She gives him a sword and they fight for the position of Kanrinrin of Hinatasou. Keitaro's head pops up and sees Naru getting dressed. The result Keitaro gets a good punch. After being chased all around the Inn, he gets cornered on top of the roof. Right when Motoko's about to give Keitaro her finshing move, she faints and starts rolling down and off the roof. The bold Keitaro dives and catches her. He saves her life, wins the fight, he's happy for once. But what's this? The girls find his memo book, which he lost after the fall, where they see he's not a Todai student. It was too good to last.
In the end we see Haitani, Shirai, and Keitaro at the prep school where they see literally 0% chance of passing on their practice Todai test.

Episode 04; The Tokyo U Promise From 15 Years Ago: Diary:
The girls discover that Keitaro is not really a Tokyo University student and to make things worse, his studies don't seem to be going very well. Seeing this, Keitaro decides it's time to leave Hinata Inn.