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Disc 01
Kanako / Keitaro


Episode 01; Kanako:
Love Hina Kanako starts out with Keitaro at the Tokyo U Entrance Exams, quoting that popular speech he used when first trying to enter the university. In the middle of the speech, he tosses it aside, claiming that he "doesn't need that crappy self introduction anymore!" As Keitaro is talking in front of a crowd of people, Narusegawa and Mutsumi pass by, though Narusegawa is acting like she doesn't even know who Keitaro is. He sees the two anyway and runs towards Naru to thank her for where he is in his life right now. While thanking her, Naru punches Keitaro to the sky.
Although Keitaro is punched, since he is now a Toudai student, he claims that he will no longer fly towards the stars and instead lands on the rooftop, shockingly safe and sound. But it's not shocking that he loses his balance and tumbles off the roof just a few seconds later. Keitaro ends up breaking his leg, only to have Narusegawa sighing in the hospital room and Mutsumi standing there, just being cute and quiet as usual.
The episode now shows the time, starting from May, with the scene at Hinata Inn, with Keitaro's leg bandaged in a cast. He's on the phone with his parents, explaining that he got hurt but that he's serious about university, but to no avail. As Narusegawa walks through the door, Keitaro tells her he needs to go home and leaves without another word. Confused, Naru turns towards her friends, and Kitsune explains that since Keitaro hasn't gone to college in a while, his parents are skeptical of him actually passing the courses. Narusegawa turns back to see an empty road, and time shows that another month has passed and that it is now June.
Sweeping in front of Hinata Inn, Narusegawa is shown, looking rather melancholy and full of thought. And at university, she can't seem to concentrate on anything the professor is saying because Keitaro is too much on her mind. She can't even play tennis right or enjoy time with her friends. The scene is switched to her in the hot springs... upon hearing Kaolla yell "Keitaro," Narusegawa gets excited and runs in to say hello. As Keitaro looks at her, you see Seta-san come in to greet them, and it goes on to show that Keitaro's dream is to travel around the world and go on excavations like Seta.
A month later, they're at the airport, with everybody gathering together to congratulate Keitaro and wish him a safe trip. Keitaro sees that Naru isn't there and asks Haruka where she is, getting the reply that Naru is angry, not about tutoring Keitaro, only to have her abandon her, but about something else. Narusegawa watches a plane fly by and calls herself an idiot for not telling Keitaro how she feels. Keitaro comes up and interrupts Narusegawa's thoughts, to tell her that the plane was delayed and that he has a little time to talk to her. He mentions that she came, though she lies and responds with saying she came to see Seta-san off. Keitaro says, "I see," and sits next to Naru, explaining his feelings about how he doesn't have his own dream. He stumbles with his words and then mentions how he told her he loved her during Christmas and says his feelings still haven't changed. She asks why he's leaving then, and he apologizes, gets up to leave, and says goodbye. The scene ends with Narusegawa in tears, sobbing to herself.
Another month passes by, and it's now the end of August. A mysterious figure, dressed in black, walks up to Hinata Inn and says to herself, "This is... Hinata Inn..." The scene switches to inside of Hinatasou, with Sara angrily cleaning the house and Mutsumi waving a letter around for Narusegawa. In another room, Narusegawa and Shinobu talk about Keitaro and how Naru mentioned she loved Keitaro at Pararakers Island, though she denies it again. Naru claims that the only reason she said she might have loved Keitaro is because she got carried away with the atmosphere of the Southern Islands. Shinobu gets worked up and blames Naru for Keitaro not coming back. Narusegawa drops her pencil, shocked, as Shinobu apologizes repeatedly for saying something like that to her. Abrupty, Narusegawa gets up and tells Shinobu she has to go grocery shopping. Narusegawa goes into Keitaro's room and asks herself why she couldn't tell Keitaro her feelings but is interrupted by a cat behind her.
Shirai and Haitani are together in the streets, complaining about how uneventful their summer has been and claims that they need something good to happen to them. Motoko walks by as they're talking, and they run after her to hit on her, but Motoko sticks a pencil near his throat and threatens him. They both agree that Motoko has become more feminine, and better yet, she remembered their names! Motoko runs around the corner and sees Narusegawa, who starts feeling her up and asking her why she's wearing a skirt. Motoko gets uncomfortable, and then runs out after noticing a crowd has gathered to watch. Now, at Hinatasou, Narusegawa is pretty much fondling Kitsune's breasts, asking her who touches them, pointing out that they're huge. Kitsune tells her it's none of her business, and then Naru tells her she needs to pay her rent. Immediately after, Kaolla and Sara run in and are upset because their toys have been thrown away. Naru calls them useless and leaves, being called mean. Up on the roof, Shinobu is hanging the laundry, and Narusegawa comes in, only to throw up her skirt. She starts commenting on how childish her underwear is and makes Shinobu cry. She tells her that in order to be an adult, she needs to wear 'adult' under garments. Then Shinobu runs out crying.
Now in Narusegawa's room, Naru kicks Liddo-kun against the bookshelf and looks through the hole in the ground. Mutsumi then walks in from spending too much time in the hot springs. Naru asks about the letter, but Mutsumi can't remember since she's so out of it. A noise is heard, and you see Naru being chased by Motoko, Sara, Kitsune, Kaolla, and Shinobu, with them yelling that she's been possessed by an evil spirit. Confused, Narusegawa runs and finds shelter with... Narusegawa? Once she's in her room, she sees someone identical to her, holding a shirt of Keitaro's. "Narusegawa" tells her that she likes Keitaro and believes anyone gets in the way of that. The real Narusegawa falls over, and "Naru" tells her to hide in a porcelain raccoon. At this point, "Narusegawa" reveals to Naru that she is the one Keitaro made the promise with.
"Narusegawa" runs out and tells all the Hinatasou girls that she's sick of living with them. They're confused because she's not moving the way Narusegawa really moves. Then the real Narusegawa hops out in the raccoon suit, and they try to figure out who the real Naru is. Mutsumi then comes out with the letter and "Narusegawa" jumps over to grab the letter from Naru. Haruka then asks if "Narusegawa" could possibly be Kanako... she then states she took the form of Narusegawa and reveals her true form. She tells them all that she, Kanako Urashima, is the new Hinata Inn manager. They refuse to accept her as the new manager, but Narusegawa manages to convince them that they should at least try since she's Keitaro's sister. Kanako is surprised that Narusegawa is sticking up for her but doesn't say anything and walks out.
Kanako enforces crazy strict rules on all of Hinata Inn, so everybody gets a little... upset. While Naru is in the hot springs, thinking, Kanako comes in and turns off the hot spring, telling Naru that the hot springs won't be available after 8pm. Narusegawa comes down later to see that the rest of them are planning on beating up Kanako, basically. They try to figure out her weak spot and notice that she forbids entering the hill behind the inn, so they plan on exploring the area. After finding out their plans, Narusegawa tells Kanako about it, and she thanks her for telling her, at which point Naru says she just wants them to all get along. Kanako asks Naru why she's being kind to her, and she says it's because she's Keitaro's little sister. Kanako then tells Naru that she and Keitaro aren't related and since she made that promise... She then gets into a turtle outfit. Then a scene change, to the others... While they're exploring, they run into "Haruka" but Kaolla uses an x-ray gun to reveal that she's indeed Kanako in disguise.
Motoko basically threatens Kanako to leave, and Kanako unleashes the mecha-tamas on them. Kaolla gets happy and thinks Kanako is playing with them, and then Naru runs in, telling Kanako to stop. They ask Naru whose side she's on, and Mutsumi changes the subject, asking what Keitaro said in the letter. They all ask Kanako what the letter says, and she says that she forgot to read it, hehehe. All of a sudden, guess whose van comes driving in? Kitsune and Kaolla run towards the van and hear a familiar voice talking... who is it? None other than Keitaro... he looks soooo cute! He gets confused at everyone's response because they don't seem very happy, and he asks if they all got his letter. They all scream Keitaro and run towards him and then the episode ends.

Episode 02; Keitaro:
Episode 02 starts off with Keitaro's nose bleeding while he stares at everybody trying on the lingerie that they think he's gotten them. Just as Motoko's about to beat him up for it, he explains that they're really gifts from Seta-san to Haruka. Just then, Haruka and Kanako walk in, and Keitaro asks where Narusegawa is in confusion. Then Keitaro pulls out underwear that Seta has gotten Haruka and gets punched by her across the room. Keitaro slams into the wall, and Kanako walks over and tells him to straighten himself out, which leads him to ask her if she's a new resident since he has no idea that it's Kanako. He starts to introduce himself and apologizes for not greeting her earlier, which causes everyone to fall over. Haruka walks over and Sara bursts out with, "It's your sister Kanako, isn't it?" Shocked, Keitaro starts to have flashbacks of his childhood with Kanako. He then asks how she's been and what she's been doing, and she explains that she was kanrinin while Keitaro was away and that she's all grown up. She mentions a promise that they had, and he thinks it's about the fact that he promised to write her letters, so he apologizes again, which leaves Kanako pretty crushed. After Mitsune pours sake down Keitaro's throat, claiming that he's being unnatural with his sister, everyone jumps on him and starts asking about his trip, as Kanako exits quietly.
There is a scene change, with Naru in her room, thinking aloud, wondering what she should say to Keitaro. She then thinks about Kanako and how she claimed she was the 'promised girl,' which leaves Naru flustered... and then Keitaro climbs through the hole in her room. They start to talk, and Keitaro asks if Naru is even happy to see him, and she tells him that she didn't really miss him... Keitaro stops and then tells her that he missed her a lot. He steps in to kiss her, and she almost kisses him back but stops when she hears Kanako and her cat outside. Instead of continuing with the kiss, she punches Keitaro out of habit and then apologizes. Nevertheless, he claims that he missed the Naru-Punch. Narusegawa walks over to Keitaro and starts talking about Kanako and how he should go see her, but he tries to tell her that he got her a gift and starts to pull it out of his pocket. Naru, however, cuts him short and says she doesn't want a perverted gift from him and then trips / kicks him down into the room below.
Another scene change, with Kanako and Kuro in the hot springs, talking. She comes to the revelation that Keitaro will always see her as just a little sister and that maybe it was futile to try to win Keitaro over. The scene changes again to the front of Hinata Inn, with Kanako and Kuro walking out... she claims that it would be awkward to stay there with Naru and Keitaro, and it looks as though she's given up, until she hears Keitaro screaming and runs back in. Kanako comes in to see Keitaro and Motoko fighting since he apparently learned some techniques from Seta-san... so Motoko is basically chasing him around with her sword, as Kaolla and Sara cheer them on. Mitsune then interrupts Motoko as she's about to hit Keitaro and asks if she's really going to try to attend Toudai, which leaves her frozen. Keitaro asks if it's true, while Motoko is still speechless... he then quickly makes an exit.
Keitaro is now preparing a meal for the welcome home party because he feels like he should since he hasn't done anything manager-esque in a while. Kaolla eats his food, exclaiming, "Delicious!" They then watch Keitaro cooking, with starry-eyes and whispered comments on how much he's changed. Kanako then walks in and stands in the doorway, softly saying to herself that she is the one who loves Keitaro the most, not them. She changes her mind about giving up and drops her bag to the floor.
New scene, with Naru stretching her arms, basking in the warmth of the sun and smiling because of the nice weather. She decides to say good morning to Keitaro and opens the hole but stops mid-sentence when she sees, what seems to be, Kanako sleeping in the same bed with Keitaro. She shrieks and then pulls the covers off "them," screaming, "what are doing, you two?!" but realizes that it's only a wig of Keitaro's after she takes off the blanket. Naru tells Kanako that it's unhealthy to be doing that, but she tells her to mind her own business... Naru retaliates by telling her that she should like someone better than Keitaro. Kanako, however, refuses to 'lose' and says she will only see Keitaro as a man from now on.
Later on, Kanako is assigning chores to everyone so Keitaro can get some rest, and they all agree and leave. After they're gone, you see Keitaro walking around with a load of laundry, obviously happy that they still need him as a manager. He walks into a room and sees Kanako pulling down her underwear, so he panics and slams the door shut. As he opens each door to find somebody, each one has Kanako in it, undressing. Keitaro freaks out and starts to run away, wondering why nobody's home. Kanako runs after him and throws the raccoon suit on Keitaro to stop him.
Naru comes back to the inn because she feels like something about the situation is... weird. Upon arrival, she sees that her suspicions were true because the entire opening is boarded up with "do not enter" signs and the like. Inside the inn, Kanako is explaining that everyone 'happens to be gone', and Keitaro questioningly repeats the situation to himself... Kanako tries to seduce him, but then Naru punches the door open, with a relieved Keitaro-raccoon, thanking Naru for coming in to basically save him. Instead of saying you're welcome or acknowledging him, she throws him out of the room into the sky. Poor Keitaro. Naru turns around to talk to Kanako but sees that she's gone and only Kuro's left.
Keitaro is now sitting in a waterfall, pondering his sister's and Naru's actions. Kanako then comes and interrupts his thoughts, which freaks out Keitaro, so he gets up but then falls on to Kanako, thinking about how her breasts have gotten larger. Naru then jumps down from the waterfall and breaks the two up, saying she thought that it was a waterslide. Kanako says there's no way that she could've mistaken it for a waterslide, but then Naru takes off her special makeup, leaving Keitaro with his jaw dropped. Angry, Kanako starts yelling at Narusegawa and then asks if there's a special relationship between the two, but Naru says it's a manager-resident relationship only, which depresses Keitaro, so he leaves.
Upset that she can't be alone with Keitaro, Kanako sits and talks to Kuro, as Mutsumi walks in, offering her a rare watermelon. The scene then switches to Naru in the hot springs, calling herself an idiot for not being able to be honest with Keitaro. All of a sudden, "Keitaro" walks over to her and calls her Naru... "Keitaro" says he has something important to tell Naru, and she starts yelling... then another scene change. This time, it's Keitaro in his bathtub with Tama-chan, saying that Narusegawa seems to be having fun with whoever she's with. As usual, Keitaro panics, wondering if Naru's found another man and that's why she's being so distant... but then "Naru" walks into the area with Keitaro, and he thinks that he's gone into the wrong bath again. She says she just wants to wash Keitaro's back, so she pulls him out of the tub... and yet, another scene change, back to the real Naru and "Keitaro." "Keitaro" tells Naru he loves her and tries to kiss her and get her to tell her how she feels about him... scene change. Back to the real Keitaro and "Naru"... she asks if Keitaro would rather be with Kanako or Naru, and he tells her how stupid that question is and says he feels the same way that he said he felt at the airport. "Naru" then falls over on to him, which causes her mask to fall off, revealing Kanako's identity. Scene change... Now it's Naru and "Keitaro" again, with him asking Naru to be honest about her feelings... but for some reason, Naru senses that it isn't Keitaro and rips off his shirt, which shows that it's really Mutsumi in disguise. Naru runs out and goes back into the inn and goes to find Kanako, wondering what she's trying to do. When she opens the door, she sees Kanako shampooing Keitaro's hair... he asks everyone what they're doing, when Kanako talks about how what they're doing reminds her of... "Of what?" Keitaro asks... crushed that he doesn't remember, Kanako runs out.
Kanako is crying alone in her room , and then the scene fades out. It's now taking place in the living room, where they're all discussing Naru and Keitaro's relationship and how it's basically done the opposite of progressing. They say that the relationship will be fine though, as long as Keitaro's feelings for Naru stay firm and true... and then you notice Keitaro eavesdropping in on the conversation. Another scene change, with Kentaro and Keitaro in an alley. Kentaro gives Keitaro a key and asks "Finally?" They talk a bit, and Kentaro mentions that Haruka will kill him if she finds out that he gave the key to Keitaro... so it has you wondering, what is that key? Kentaro says bye and runs back to work, while Keitaro stares at the key... scene change to Naru and Mei. Narusegawa starts to think about how Keitaro did so many good things for her, so she wants to return the favor somehow. As she's thinking about it, Keitaro's hand comes through the opening, with a note that tells her to meet him at the abandoned building later on. Scene changes again, with Keitaro walking towards the abandoned inn and Tama-chan scaring him. Keitaro, starts to explain to Tama-chan that it's a magical place that was for couples who wanted to be together... so he believes that he'll be linked with Narusegawa if he proposes to her in the inn. He then hears footsteps and hides by the door.
Now you see Narusegawa and Kentaro talking with Aunt Haruka about the abandoned inn. Haruka explains that it's magical, and Naru and Kentaro jump up in shock. She starts going into detail about how the inn used to be used as a way to force marriages and that it was really magical, so they had to close it up. Haruka then goes to get the key to show them that it's okay but realizes it's gone... so she puts Kentaro into a headlock, lol. Now there's a scene change, with Kanako walking into the inn, while Keitaro thinks it's Naru. He grabs her from behind and starts talking about how much he likes her and reveals all his feelings, saying that the promise he made with her was the most important... and he says he wants to make the promise come true. He starts to pull out the ring and says "Narusegawa" but hears Kanako in response, which makes him drop the ring. Just then, Narusegawa walks into the inn, and bolts of lightning surround everything, including Keitaro and Kanako, who are lifted up off the ground. When they come back down, Naru runs towards them but is blocked by some sort of invisible shield. She falls back, and Kanako says Naru is too late and picks up the ring to put it on, but Keitaro grabs her and the ring falls to the floor. Keitaro says it's for Naru, as she picks it up... and she tries to put it on, but it shocks her, so she can't... and it ends with Kanako saying, "I win..."