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Disc 03
Failure? Kakashi's Conclusion / Important Mission! Heading To The Wave Country


Episode 05; Failure? Kakashi's Conclusion:
Sasuke’s efforts are in vain as his ninja stars hit a log. Sensei changed places again and the log was just another Kawarimi (changed body). He know knows where Sasuke is. Sakura takes off after him, but Sensei ends up behind her. He performs a transformation, which shows Sasuke dying with his ninja stars stuck throughout his body. Sakura faints in horror. That is Ninja fighting lesson 2: Genjutsu (Illusion Skills).
Sasuke attacks sensei and through several attacks, almost gets a bell. Sensei acknowledges that he is different from the other two. Sasuke performs fire element, Grand Fireball no Jutsu and blows fire at sensei, but sensei disappears by performing Earth Element, Earth Decapitation no Jutsu. He then reaches up from the ground and grabs Sasuke’s leg to pull him into the ground. He then explains Ninja fighting lesson 3: Ninjutsu.
Suddenly the bell rings and sensei declares that they all should quit as ninjas. He asks why they are disrespecting ninjas. The answer lies with teamwork, but it’s too late now. There are two bells to see who would be willing to sacrifice their own place in favor of teamwork, but the two bells serve as a divider amongst the team. They all fell for the trap and worked to serve their own selfish desires. Sensei walks over to a stone memorial. He explains that this memorial includes the names of all the heroes of the village - those who lost their lives for the success of the mission. His best friend’s name is also carved there.
Kakashi decides to give them one last chance after lunch. He tells them, though, that those who feed Naruto will fail. Both decide to feed Naruto, but Sakura is the one to feed him. Sensei immediately appears and threatens them with a lightning storm. The three immediately declare that they are one team. Sensei declares that they all pass. Amazed, they all ask how that could be. He tells them that up until now, the others did everything he told them to. A ninja must read underneath the underneath, and they must take care of their friends.

Episode 06; Important Mission! Heading To The Wave Country:
Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto are headed after the target in accordance with Kakashi sensei’s training. They pounce and capture a cat, thus completing “Operation Capture Tora the Lost Pet” for Madam Shijimi, wife of the Country of Fire’s Feudal Lord. She is thrilled to pieces.
Soon they are ready for their next ninja training mission: babysitting Yojyu-sama’s boy, grocery shopping, etc. Naruto starts whining that he’s sick of these stupid missions and he is soon scolded by Iruka sensei. Hokage-sama then explains what missions are. People come to the village requesting tasks every day. Those tasks are then separated into the difficulty levels A, B, C, and D, just as ninjas are separated into Hokage, Jounins (Elite - like Kakashi sensei), Chuunins (Commoners - like Iruka sensei), and Genins (Cadets - like Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke) according to their abilities. A tasks are assigned to the Jounins, B and C tasks are assigned to Chuunins and C and D tasks are assigned to Genins.
Naruto still isn’t convinced and decides to sit and hold his breath. Hokage gives in and assigns the ninja cadets a C task. A drunken man enters and insults Naruto. He then introduces himself as the bridge building expert Tazuna. Their task is to protect his life while he finishes building his bridge.
As they journey towards the Country of the Wave, Tazuna again insults Naruto, which again makes him angry. Sakura then asks Kakashi if there are also ninjas in the Country of the Wave. He answers that there aren’t, but explains that there may be hidden ninja villages equivalent of the country’s military powers. They maintain their relationship with neighboring countries, but aren’t under the control of the country. Supposedly, they are equal in position. However, because the Country of the Wave is so small, they don’t need a ninja village. The five hidden villages of the countries of fire (Hidden Village of Konaha (Leaf)), water (Hidden Village of Mist), lightning (Hidden Village of Cloud), wind (Hidden Village of Sand), and earth (hidden Village of Rock) make up the Five Great Ninja Powers. Their leaders carry the name of ‘Kage.’ Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, and Tsuchikage are known as the ‘Five Kages’ that reign over the tens of thousands of ninjas. When Sakura and Naruto hear that, they immediately doubt Hokage’s abilities.
Suddenly, two ninjas with wraith like characteristics jump out from the trees and capture Kakashi sensei. Naruto is next, but Sasuke fights back and takes out their chain weapons. Luckily, Hokage sensei comes to the rescue using his replacement technique and captures the ninjas. Naruto was poisoned from the battle and startled that he couldn’t do anything while Sasuke was calm and unafraid.
Kakashi explains that their two attackers are Chuunin class ninjas from the Hidden Village of Mist known as the Demon Brothers. They are trained to keep fighting no matter what the cause. Kakashi knew about them because there was a puddle on the ground. He thought that was strange because it hadn’t rained in several days. He waited to learn who their real target was. He then reprimands Tazuna for not revealing the actual difficulty level of the mission, which is not C but above a B. Sakura wants to give up and go back to the village. Naruto isn’t ready to yet. He pulls out his kunai (throwing knife) and thrusts it into his wounded hand, vowing to become stronger and to protect the old man with his kunai. Kakashi asks to look at his hand and observes the wound has already started to heal. They continue as planned.
Meanwhile, the man who hired the Demon Brothers is perturbed that they couldn’t get the job done and rants to another ninja. That ninja reminds him threateningly that he is Momochi Zabuza, the Demon of the Hidden Village of Mist and will get the job done.