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Disc 04
The Assassin Of Mist / Decision Sworn On Pain


Episode 07; The Assassin Of Mist:
Naruto and gang boat through some thick mist to the Wave Country. Kakashi wants to know who the two ninjas after him were. If he refuses to tell them, their mission is over once they reach shore. Tanzuna agrees to tell them. The wealthy ship magnate, Gatou, is after his life. Officially he runs a large shipping company, but secretly he sells drugs and other illegal goods with the help of ninjas. About a year ago he set his sights on the Wave Country and started taking over the shipping routes. Now he has a monopoly. The only way to break it is to finish building the bridge.
Kakashi can’t understand why he hid this when he asked for help. He explains that Wave Country is extremely poor, so that even the Daimyo has no money. If they were to quit the mission as soon as they reach shore, he will surely be killed before he gets to his house. The ninjas realize they have no choice but to continue protecting him. Kakashi is worried that any further attacks will be Jounin not Chuunin.
Naruto decides to act cool and throws his kunai into the forest. He almost hits a snowshoe bunny, which Kakashi finds odd. Showshoe rabbits change color according to the amount of sunlight. White is its winter color, so that rabbit must have been kept in a cage in order to use it in Kawarimi. Momochi Zabuza watches from the trees above and takes specific note of the Leaf Village’s copy ninja, Sharingan Kakashi.
Suddenly, a large blade flies at the ninjas and Momochi Zabuza makes his appearance. Naruto tries to step in, but Kakashi warns him to stand back. This one is in an entirely different class. Kakashi commands the three to stand around Tazuna and protect him while he fights the Jounin ninja. He then pulls down his mask to reveal his read eye is ready to fight. A Sharingan is a power born in the eyes and released from the pupils. Some have an ability in their eyes, called Doujutsu, that can read all types of genjutsu (illusion), taijutsu (body) and ninjutsu (stealth) and can defeat them. Sharingan is one of the types that gives people this power. It also gives you the ability to ready your opponent’s techniques and copy them.
Momochi Zabuza kept a handbook that included information on Kakashi when he was part of the assassin squad. It said that the man who has copied over one thousand jutsu: Copy Ninja Kakashi. Sasuke is really confused by this. The Sharingan only appears in a select few members of the Uchiha clan... who is he? Momochi stands atop the nearby river and powers up to perform Ninpou (ninja technique) Hidden Mist no Jutsu. He then vanishes. Kakashi explains that Momochi is known as a silent killer. He has the ability to kill his opponent instantly. You don’t notice until you’re already dead. The surrounding mist starts to thicken as everyone stands on their guard waiting for Momochi to make his move. He speaks into the mist that there are eight choices: liver, lungs, spine, jugular vein, carotid artery, brain, kidneys and heart. All of which are critical hits.
Suddenly, the air is heavy with intense ki as the two Jounins face each other. Sasuke describes it as if the life is being squeezed out of him. He starts to worry - that it will be better for him to take his own life than face this. Suddenly Momochi appears between the ninjas and Tazuna. Kakashi runs to the rescue and stabs, but it is a fake and the real Momochi appears behind him and strikes. Kakashi is only a Water Clone and the real Kakashi appears behind Mocochi with a knife to his throat. The battle’s over.

Episode 08; Decision Sworn On Pain:
The opening replays the battle between Kakashi and Momochi Zabuza leading up to Momochi’s capture. Naruto and co are impressed that Kakashi has declared the match over. Momochi taunts him, declaring that Kakashi won’t be able to capture him so easily. He then appears behind Kakashi and kicks him backwards. Kakashi disappears into the river as Momochi chases him with his big-ass sword. He sees Makibishi (throwing nails) in the dirt and dives in the river. Kakashi emerges, trapped in Water Prison no Jutsu, as the tide has turned in Momochi’s favor. He then clones himself and goes after the three young ninjas. He strikes Naruto and knocks the headband off his head.
Kakashi calls out to the ninjas, commanding them to take Tazuna and run. Momochi’s body keeps him prisoner, so his clone won’t be able to go too far away. They should be able to escape. Sasuke refuses and reevaluates the situation. For them to survive, they must rescue Kakashi. He jumps ready to strike Momochi, but is caught in mid air and thrown back. Naruto is scared to death of the Jounin. He gets ready to run and throws his hand to the ground, but is surprised to remember his injury and his promise. It is a turning point, where he realizes that it takes to become a ninja and flashes back to all the events that got him to this point. He stands, ready to fight again, and then charges. He too is thrown backwards, but he got his forehead protector back - the symbol that he is a ninja.
Naruto has a plan now and asks the others to work with him. Kakashi reminds them that their real mission is to protect Tazuna, but he gives them permission to fight. Momochi explains his graduation exam - fight to the death between students. That changed ten years ago when another evil appeared. Without pause or hesitation, a young boy, not even a ninja, had killed over a hundred students himself... that boy was Momochi. He then attacks Sasuke. Naruto uses Kage Bushin no Jutsu and sends his clones around Momochi. Each pile atop him, but he is too strong and throws all of them backwards. Naruto throws Sasuke his blade as he flies back, and Sasuke does Evil Wind Shuriken, Shadow Windmill. He throws it at the real Momochi, who captures it. Another follows - it’s Shadow Shuriken no Jutsu. The Shurikens change into Narutos, who throw shuriken at the real Momochi...