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Disc 05
Kakashi The Sharingan User / The Forest Of Chakra


Episode 09; Kakashi The Sharingan User:
Naruto’s dagger goes through the path between Momochi’s hand and Kakashi’s barrier. He lifts his hand out, releasing Kakashi. Naruto is proud of himself, having used the shadow replication techinique to hid that he transformed into a Fuuma shuriken. He had no intention of defeating Zabuta. He left one of his replicas and transformed into a Fuuma shuriken, which he then threw to Sasuke, who used his own technique. He hid in the shadow of the shuriken until he got close enough and then broke the water prison.
Kakashi and Momochi then go at it again. The two then perform several mudras while chanting to produce Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu (Water Element: Water Dragon Bullet) and the two water dragons go after each other. Kakashi was able to copy Momochi perfectly. Momochi gets a weird feeling about the situation and can’t understand how Kakashi replicated the technique at the same time as he did. He then realizes that Kakashi is mirroring him. Kakashi then enters his mind and finishes his thoughts, thus confusing Momochi further. Kakashi performs Suiton Daubakufu no Jutsu (Water Element: Grand Waterfall), completing the technique Momochi was trying to get off, but didn’t, and a great flood hits Momochi followed by several shuriken.
Momochi asks how Kakashi can see the future. He answers that he’s going to die. Suddenly two shurikan fly at the Jounin from a strange faceless man standing on a tree branch above. Kakashi goes down to investigate and proclaims Zabuza dead. The tree man thanks them, claiming he had been looking for a chance to kill Zabuza. Kakashi recognizes his mask as belonging to the hunter-nin from the Hidden Village of the Mist. Hunter-nins are those who assassinate exiled ninja who turn on their village.
Naruto is really upset that the hunter-nin killed a man. He was so strong, but killed so easily by a kid like him. He can’t understand how that is. Kakashi tries to comfort Naruto as he deals with his. The hunter-nin picks up Zabuza’s corpse and takes it away in a gust of wind.
As they walk away, Kakashi falls forward, unconscious...

Episode 10; The Forest Of Chakra:
Poor Kakashi... whenever he uses his sharingan too much, it wears him out. He’s out for some time… The young ninjas have questions but don’t want to wear him out too much. Sakura is curious about the masked kid they met. Kakashi explains that it’s the mask worn by the Hidden Mist’s Anbu (assassin squad), on the special hunter-nin team. They are known as body erasers and their job is to dispose of bodies without a trace. A ninja’s body has within it the secrets of the village’s ninjutsu. That information ranges from info on different chakra types, herbs, and other things that would reveal info about the village. For instance, if he died, they could learn about the sharingan. Also, if the young ninjas aren’t careful, an enemy can steal their jutsu.
Back in the woods, the hunter-nin takes care of Zabuza’s body. As he prepares to cut, the corpse comes back to life. Or rather, the hunter-nin really wasn’t one at all and actually saved Zabuza from death. His aim was the acupuncture point in the neck so not to hurt him.
Kakashi senses that he is missing something very important, even though he believes Zabuza is dead. He says that hunter-nins usually dispose of the corpse at the spot they kill them. Suspiciously, he asks what the masked boy did with the corpse. He then calculates that Zabuza is really alive. The needle the hunter-nin used was called a ‘senbon.’ They are only fatal if they hit a vital organ. Being a hunter-nin, he would have known how to put the body in a temporary metabolic suspension. His intention must have been to save Zabuza not kill him. Kakashi senses that he must train the young ninjas before it is too late.
A young boy named Inari enters the room and welcomes back his Grandpa. The boy seems shy but then tells his mom that they’re all going to die and that there’s no way they can win against Gatou. Naruto goes after the boy, ready to teach him a lesson, and finds him crying over a picture of his dad.
Soon, Kakashi begins the chakra lesson. Chakra is the energy a shinobi needs when performing a jutsu. This energy has two parts: the body energy in each cell and the spiritual energy gained through training and other experiences. To perform a jutsu, a ninja must release these two energies. This is called releasing chakra and is done by performing a seal with the hand.
The reason Kakashi is explaining this to the boys is because while they can do jutsu, they aren’t using their chakra efficiently. Unless they can control it properly, they will weaken themselves and won’t be able to fight as long. And so, they must train by tree climbing… only without using their hands. Kakashi then demonstrates by walking up a tree with a set of crutches. To do this, they must focus the proper amount of chakra into the proper area.. in their feet. It is said that the sole of the feet is the most difficult place to gather chakra, but if they can do this, they should be able to master any jutsu.
Sasuke is pretty good at tree climbing, but Naruto falls backwards almost immediately. While the boys talk on the ground, Sakura has already made it to the top. Kakashi does believe that Naruto and Sasuke have a huge amount of untapped chakra inside them, and if they can master it, they will become powerful allies.
At Gatou’s place, Zabuza lies recovering as the fake hunter-nin, Haku, watches over him. Gatou comes in and threatens that they have one more chance... Haku reacts to the threat, but doesn’t kill anyone. Once they leave, he says it’s too early to kill Gatou.
Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke are still trying to climb the tree. Naruto gets frustrated and asks Sakura for some tips. Kakashi believes that Naruto’s chakra level may even be above his own...