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Disc 08
The Fight In Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Crumbles / The Released Seal


Episode 15; The Fight In Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Crumbles:
Kakashi tells Sakura not to egg on Naruto and Sasuke. Even if they could beat Haku’s technique, they don’t have it in their hearts to kill someone. Sakura screams in frustration, but Kakashi decides to finish it with his Sharingan. Zabuza rushes towards Kakashi and stabs at his eye, but Kakashi is able to block with his hand. He explains that he was the one who taught Haku all his techniques. His jutsu surpasses even Zabuza’s.
Inside the mirrors, Naruto replicates again and his clones are once again defeated. This time, Sasuke started to see his movements. When Naruto replicates a third time, Sasuke kicks some water up in hopes of tracking Haku. Again, the attempt is futile, but Sasuke thinks that maybe something other than water will work.
Zabuza confesses that he wasn’t just getting beaten up like an idiot. He had Haku hiding in the background watching the battle go down. Haku is usually able to come up with a way of defeating a technique after one viewing, so he warns Kakashi that the same jutsu won’t work on him twice. He then performs Hidden Mist no Jutsu and disappears.
This time, Naruto replicates, but Sasuke uses fire to track him. When he goes after Naruto, Sasuke hits him with fire and slightly wounds him.
Kakashi is able to block Zabuza’s attacks, but Zabuza warns him that he relies way too much on sight. At the river, it was the Sharingan that allowed Kakashi to give the impression that he was copying Zabuza’s techniques. Once his mind was confused, he was able to use a hypnotic genjutsu to finish the move before Zabuza. But he now knows the secret... Now he uses the mist to keep the eye useless, and if he closes his eyes and maintains distance, then he won’t be hypnotized. He is a master of killing on sound alone, so he has the advantage.
Sasuke tells Naruto to run outside and attack. As Haku flies to Naruto, Sasuke throws a fire attack. Naruto almost makes it outside before Haku catches him and knocks him back in. Sasuke is ready to try again, but this time Haku attacks Sasuke first.
Kakashi tells himself to calm down. If he were Zabuza, what would he do? He realizes he’d attack Tazuna and by the time he gets to them, Zabuza is able to strike. Blood splatters...

Episode 16; The Released Seal:
Sasuke tries to attacks Haku in the ice prison. Naruto is still trying to escape, but Haku is too fast. Outside, Kakashi senses that Zabuza will go after Tazuna. Zabuza strikes as Sakura screams.
Inside Naruto takes a running head start and tries once again to escape. Haku is again too fast. Sasuke knows he must do something. As Haku shoots his needles, Sasuke is able to knock them down before they hit critical points. Sasuke starts to see the needles as Haku attacks and soon his Sharingan is awakened... Haku realizes that if the battle keeps going at this pace, he will be at a disadvantage.
Outside, Zabuza gets ready to attack. He disappears into the mist and Kasashi is left to try to defend blindly. Sakura is flipping out that Naruto and Sasuke could be defeated. Kakashi believes in them...
Inside the ice prison, Haku is taken down, but Sasuke is completely beaten up. Naruto can’t understand how he would sacrifice himself to save him. He recalls all the past moments with Sasuke. Sasuke tells him that he hated him... Naruto screams that he never wanted his help. Sasuke then falls. He tells Naruto that he kept telling himself that Haku was his brother and he wouldn’t die until he killed him. Sasuke then passes out as Naruto holds him.
As this is going on, Haku rises and tells Naruto that Sasuke was definitely a shinobi that deserved respect. Naruto then awakens as well... he starts healing as his demon fox spirit comes out.