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Disc 09
The White Past, The Inner Feelings / A Tool Called Shinobi


Episode 17; The White Past, The Inner Feelings:
Naruto goes into demon fox mode and begins his assault on Haku. Haku can’t imagine how he became so powerful. Even as Haku’s needles hit him, he is able to deflect them.
Outside, Kakashi asks Zabuza to finish the fight. Inside, Naruto powers up and knocks Haku outside of the ice prison. Haku can barely stand. He tells Zabuza that he cannot defeat Naruto. As Naruto is about to finish him off, Haku’s mask falls off and Naruto can’t bring himself to kill him. Haku tells him to just do it. He has no reason to live now that Naruto has shown him how week he is.
Haku explains that he was born in a small snowy village in Water Country. His parents were satisfied with their hard life of living off the fields. Then, one day, his father killed his mother and tried to kill him. The Water Country experienced civil wars, and those with advanced bloodlines came to be hated. Clans with such bloodlines were used as weapons and blamed for the turmoil sweeping the land. The clans that had those abilities lived in secret. As Haku was playing one day, he demonstrated that he had this ability. Their father soon discovered the secret and came to kill them. He escaped, killing his father in the process, but knowing that in this world, he is unwanted. Zabuza was the only one who would take him in. From that day, he gave Zabuza his loyalty. He now asks Naruto to kill him.
As this is going on, Kakashi performs Ninpou summoning. Earth element, Tracking Fang no Jutsu. Zabuza taunts him that he is trapped in his Jutsu, but suddenly, several nin dogs attack from the ground. The Jutsu was to track the scent of his own blood that now covers Zabuza’s weapons. Kakashi explains that Zabuza went too far. He attempted to assassinate Mizukage and his coup d’etat failed. He abandoned Water Country and needed money for revenge, which is why he must have joined Gatou. Kakashi powers up and tells Zabuza to give up. His other option is death. He does Lightning Edge and chakra energy builds up and glows around his hands.
Haku is still asking Naruto to kill him, but Naruto won’t. He still thinks he can talk some sense into Haku, but Haku is certain that now, Zabuza no longer needs him. He didn’t fulfill his part.

Episode 18; A Tool Called Shinobi:
Inari pounds on the door of his neighbor, Mr. Giichi. He needs him to go to the bridge to defeat Gatou’s men. Mr. Giichi refuses. If they try to fight, there will be sacrifices. No one wants to sacrifice anything precious to them. Inari’s mind is made up. He remembers his dad’s words - to live with no regrets - and is ready to fight. Inari goes to each of the townspeople’s homes, but no one will open their doors. He remembers Naruto telling him that he’s strong and keeps trying.
Haku explains that Naruto must kill him. Naruto thinks that if they had met under different circumstances, they might have been friends. He pulls out his dagger and charges. As he runs, Haku catches his hand and disappears. He teleports in front of Zabuza as Kakashi attacks and takes the direct hit for him.
Inari prepares to go down to the bridge alone...
At the bridge, the mist clears and Naruto gets a clear vision of what’s going down. Haku is now dead and Zabuza is looking to cut through both he and Haku to kill Kakashi. Kakashi dodges and lays Haku down. Sakura sees Naruto and asks about Sasuke. Naruto can’t answer, but Sakura takes Tazuna’s hand and runs to Sasuke’s body. She starts crying.
Kakashi and Zabuza are still going toe to toe. Zabuza can’t keep up with Kakashi and soon finds himself in Kakashi’s grasp. Kakashi strikes, but Zabuza counters once again.
Gatou shows up on the bridge with an army of men...