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Disc 26
Psych Out / The Mask Of The Gorgon / The Mad Bubbler


Psych Out:
Mumm-Ra tells Aluro that the Egora Talisman will give whoever possesses it the power of extreme self-confidence. Aluro finds the talisman and uses it, along with his own powers of hypnotism, to "take away" the Thundercats' self-confidence, leaving them hopeless and confused. Only Snarf remains and it is up to him to defeat Aluro and restore the Thundercats.

The Mask Of The Gorgon:
Mumm-Ra plans on using the legendary Mask of Gargon to free a sleeping child in the hills of Elfshima to use against the Thundercats. When Chilla and Tug Mug fail to get the mask because it turned them to stone, Mumm-Ra summons it and decides he needs the Eye of Thundera so that the mask can use sight beyond sight to awaken the giant child. Lynx-O warns the Thundercats of the mask and the sleeping child, but Lion-O, Panthro, and Willa still go to the pyramid, but are turned to stone by the mask. Mumm-Ra then uses the Eye of Thundera and the mask to awaken the giant. But Lynx-O and Bengali in the Thunderstrike defeat the giant and the mask gets smashed apart restoring everyone who had been turned to stone, and the Eye of Thundera burns the book that contained the mask's terrible secrets.

The Mad Bubbler:
The Lunataks discover an unmined Thundrillium mine on Hook Mountain, so Luna, Amak, and Chilla go to the mine. Snowman tries to stop them, but the three Lunataks enter the mine anyway and encounter the Mad Bubbler who encases them in his bubbles which cause them to fight each other. Panthro, Cheetara, and Tygra arrive on Hook Mountain to stop the Lunataks from mining the Thundrillium, but they too are trapped in the Mad Bubbler's bubbles and they turn evil and fight each other. Since a snarf is the only being that is "immune" to evil, Lion-O summons Snarf and Snarfer to save them.