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Disc 27
Together We Stand / Ravage Island / Time Switch


Together We Stand:
Mumm-Ra summons the Berserkers and coats their armor with Thundrainium and sends them to attack the Thundercats at the Tower of Omens. Realizing that their armor is coated with Thundrainium, the Thundercats at the Tower need help and Lion-O and Tygra rescue them. They create a windstorm to rub off the Thundrainium and the Berserkers retreat. Meanwhile the Lunataks invade Cats Lair and the Thundercats must rush back to save the Thunderkittens and Snarf who are being held as the Lunataks' slaves.

Ravage Island:
Mumm-Ra uses the Beacon of Ravage Island to make the Thundercats his slaves. When the Beacon puts Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara, and Pumyra under its power, they are easily captured by the mutants, and Snarf must get the others at the tower for help, but Bengali soon falls under the Beacon's power and it's up to Lynx-O, Snarf and Snarfer, to save the "enslaved" Thundercats.

Time Switch:
While burying one of the time capsules that transported the Thundercats to Third Earth, it smashes apart and Lion-O gets caught in its gases, making him younger and younger by the minute. The other Thundercats must find a way to reverse the process and realize the Cave of Time is the only way, but they must get Lion-O there before he "vanishes" from existence. Things get worse when the young Lion-O and Snarf are captured by the Lunataks.