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Disc 30
Hair Of The Dog / Vultureman's Revenge / Thundercubs! (Part I)


Hair Of The Dog:
With only Lion-O and Snarf guarding the Lair, Mumm-Ra decides this is a perfect opportunity to invade the Lair, so Ma-Mutt captures Snarf and Mumm-Ra switches Snarf and Ma-Mutt. Ma-Mutt goes to Cats Lair and gives Lion-O some poisoned candy fruit. Lion-O becomes ill and realizes that this Snarf is really Ma-Mutt and Mumm-Ra arrives and defeats Lion-O. Snarfer's bad dream of Snarf becoming a dog causes him, Bengali, and Pumyra to go to Cats Lair, but Mumm-Ra lays a trap for them. He sends Ma-Mutt to get Snarfer and Lion-O becomes better again and distracts Mumm-Ra. When Lion-O summons the other Thundercats, Snarf, using Mumm-Ra's chant that changes Mumm-Ra into the everliving, becomes... Snarf-Ra the everliving and he rescues Bengali, Pumyra and they in turn rescue Snarfer from Ma-Mutt. Then Snarf-Ra challenges Mumm-Ra and defeats him. After the battle is over, Lion-O uses the sword to restore Snarf to his original state.

Vultureman's Revenge:
Vultureman creates a weapon that shoots pure Thundrainium in hopes of destroying the Thundercats. His first victims are the Thunderkittens who fall into a deep cavern and become injured. Lion-O and Snarf search for the missing kittens. Meanwhile Vultureman must get more Thundrainium from Chilla in Darkside and is also ordered by Slithe to fix the Mutants' machines. The Thunderkittens are saved by a Wollo and they discover that the Wollo village has been "iced" and they are captured and used as bait to lure Lion-O. When Lion-O and Snarf arrive, they are shot down by Vultureman's weapon and Lion-O becomes weak and summons the Thundercats. Just as Vultureman is about to finish off Lion-O, Ben-Gali arrives, wrecks Vultureman's weapon and drives the mutants and Chilla away. Lion-O then uses the Sword to restore the Wollo village.

Thundercubs! (Part I):
Mumm-Ra learns about the Treasure of Thundera and the Sword of Plun-Darr, and he and Ma-Mutt "travel back in time and space" to explore the debris of Thundera and look for the sword, which causes the planet to reform. The Thundercats find out about this and must make the journey to New Thundera to stop Mumm-Ra. Lynx-O and the Thunderkittens are left at the Tower while the other Thundercats at the Lair are preparing the Feliner for the trip to New Thundera. Vultureman notices that the Tower is only guarded by 3 Thundercats and goes to Sky Tomb and tells Luna. Luna then sends Red Eye and Tug Mug to attack the Tower, and they capture Lynx-O and the Thunderkittens.