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Disc 34
Key Of Thundera / Return Of The Thundercubs / The Formula


Key Of Thundera:
While trying to figure out a way to read the Book of Omens, Lion-O tries looking through the Sword at the Book. He is immediately drawn into the Book, where a voice asks him if he has "the key." Lion-O says he doesn't, and four dragon heads appear and shoot fire at him. Snarf, who saw Lion-O get sucked into the Book, tries to show Cheetara what happened, and he too gets sucked in. Mumm-Ra, who also watched Lion-O get sucked in, goes to Cats Lair and takes the Book so he can destroy it with Lion-O inside. Meanwhile, just by coincidence, Panthro finds an odd looking key on Thundera. He and Tygra head back to Third Earth with the key, not knowing what it's for. Back on Third Earth, Mumm-Ra is just about to boil the Book when Lion-O calls for the Sword, and it brings him and Snarf back outside. Mumm-Ra takes the Sword and looks through it at the Book, and he gets sucked in! But Lion-O has to save him because of the code of Thundera, and Lion-O does save him. Panthro and Tygra arrive with the key, and they realize it is the one the Book was asking for.

Return Of The Thundercubs:
Panthro, Tygra, and Cheetara return to New Thundera in the Feliner to find more of the Treasure of Thundera, but Mumm-Ra shoots the Feliner down and, as the Fog of Despair, sends them to the Canyons of Youth, which changes them back into Thundercubs. Then Mumm-Ra disguises himself as Lion-O and tells the Thundercubs to find the treasure for him. Meanwhile, back on Third Earth, Lion-O and Snarf decide to go rescue the Thundercats on New Thundera, but they must ask the mutants to take them to New Thundera in the Rat-Star. The mutants agree, secretly planning to attack Lion-O once they're in space. They do attack and imprison him and Snarf on the way to Thundera, but they manage to break out. Cheetara meanwhile, using her sixth sense, locates part of the treasure, the Mirror of Truth. The real Lion-O shows up, and uses the Sword of Omens with the Mirror of Truth to restore the cubs to their proper age, and Mumm-Ra reveals himself and turns into Mumm-Ra the everliving. Cheetara uses the mirror to defeat Mumm-Ra. Finally, the Thundercats use the Rat-Star's supplies to fix the Feliner, and then go home with the Mutants wedged in the baggage compartment.

The Formula:
Aluro invents a "booster" potion in hopes that it can make Sky Tomb able to fly to Thundera. It doesn't work, and he throws the potion into the forest. Then he notices everything in the forest has grown huge. He and Luna give the potion to the mutants, who sprinkle it around Cats Lair. The mutants also capture Lynx-O and Snarf. But while the mutants are preparing to transfer Lynx-O and Snarf from their cell, a mouse in the cell who Snarf had befriended gets some of the potion and attacks the mutants. That lets Lynx-O and Snarf analyze the potion and come up with an antidote. Meanwhile, Lion-O, Pumyra, and the Thunderkittens are fighting off huge bugs in the forest that has grown around Cats Lair. Lynx-O and Snarf arrive, sprinkle the antidote over the forest, and then watch as everything turns back to normal.