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Disc 35
Locket Of Lies / Bracelet Of Power / The Wild Workout


Locket Of Lies:
On Thundera, Mumm-Ra creates the Locket of Lies and has Mu-Mutt plant it in the Valley of the Snarfs. Eggbert and Oswald Snarf find the locket and contact the Thundercats about it. When communications break up, the Thundercats go to Thundera to see the Locket. When they arrive, the Locket leads them to a place in front of an old building. But the ground they are standing on gives way and they are trapped in a well. Mumm-Ra shows up and tells them not to try to escape, but the Thundercats try anyway. The walls start closing on them, and all their efforts to stop the walls fail. Finally, Lion-O uses the Eye of Thundera and the Cats Signal to push through the wall, and they all escape.

Bracelet Of Power:
Tygra, Cheetara, and Bengali bring back a few more pieces of the Treasure of Thundera. Snarf is fascinated by a bracelet and takes it to wear around. He sees that everyone obeys his every command when he has on the bracelet. Mumm-Ra also notices this. He goes to Cats Lair, takes the bracelet, and turns Lion-O, Cheetara, Tygra, and Panthro into his slaves. He takes them to his pyramid and locks them in a cell. Snarf and the Thunderkittens decide to go rescue the Thundercats. At the pyramid, when Snarf encounters Mumm-Ra, Snarf acts like the bracelet is controlling him, but he is actually immune to the bracelet's power. Meanwhile, the Thunderkittens take back the Sword of Omens, which Mumm-Ra had taken. Mumm-Ra, now trusting Snarf, goes to sleep in his casket, and Snarf takes the bracelet back. The spell is broken and the Thundercats escape from the cell. Mumm-Ra confronts them, but Lion-O uses the Sword to lock Mumm-Ra in the cell.

The Wild Workout:
Lion-O, Panthro, and Snarf set out to look for more pieces of the Treasure of Thundera, and Mumm-Ra sets a trap for them using Thunder Catnip. He freezes them in the caverns of cold on Thundera. Meanwhile, back on Third Earth, the Lunataks, in need of another source of power for their ship, use excersise machines to power it up. They capture Cheetara, and then Tygra and the Thunderkittens and force them to work out on the machines to power up the ship. The Thundercats manage to overwork the power supply, and escape from Sky Tomb. Back in the caverns, Snarf manages to get the Sword of Omens to Lion-O with his tail, and they escape and return to Third Earth.