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Disc 36
The Thunderscope / The Jade Dragon / The Circus Train


The Thunderscope:
Back visiting their old wreckage site, Lion-O and Snarf find the Thunderscope, a legendary Thunderian telescope that locates lost Thunderians, as well as pieces of the Treasure of Thundera. Mumm-Ra decides to try and steal the Thunderscope so he can use it to find the Treasure. He ambushes Lion-O, and actualy kills him. Before Lion-O dies, he manages to take out a lens from the Thunderscope so Mumm-Ra cannot completely use it. Jaga appears and revives Lion-O's dead body, as well as the Sword of Omens which had been damaged. Mumm-Ra realizes a lens is missing, and comes back with Chilla and Tugmug to fight Lion-O for it. Mumm-Ra gets the lens and goes back to his pyramid, but Lynx-O sends out an energy beam that blocks the Thunderscope from working. This lets Lion-O get to the pyramid in time to fight Mumm-Ra again. This time Lion-O gets the Thunderscope by defeating Mumm-Ra with a blast from the eye of the Thundercat signal.

The Jade Dragon:
Mumm-Ra discovers the power of one of the pieces of the treasure of Thundera. The Double-Headed Dragon of Doom, or the Jade Dragon possess the power to entrap people in its stomach. The legend says that Hachiman's ancestor gave the dragon to his wife as a marriage gift, and since her father was so against their marriage, he put a curse on the dragon and it engulfed Hachiman's ancestor. Jaga freed him though, and he gave the dragon to Jaga for safe keeping. Now, the Thundercats have found the Jade Dragon, and Mumm-Ra manages to trap Lion-O and Cheetara in it. Hachiman is their only hope. He battles Mumm-Ra in Mumm-Ra's Pyramid, and the statues of the Ancient Spirits of Evil come alive to fight Hachiman. He destroys the statues, thus making Mumm-Ra weak, and enabling Hachiman to free Lion-O and Cheetara from the Dragon with a swipe of his sword.

The Circus Train:
A bounty hunter known as Captain Bragg comes to Third Earth to help the Thundercats get rid of the mutants and the Lunataks. Capt. Bragg tricks Wiley Kat in going with him and they first go after the mutants. After capturing them, they go to capture the Lunataks. They capture all except Luna and Amuk, who free the other Lunataks, put Bragg in a cage and tie Wiley Kat to the train's engine. Lion-O and Wiley Kit arrive to save Wiley Kat and the Lunataks are defeated. All the mutants and all the Lunataks are captured and exiled.